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Fastly Next-Gen WAF Audit Logs


Fastly WAF audit logs tracks activities related to your corp and your sites like user creation, rule creation, site configuration changes.


Important note - This format is currently in beta. We highly value your feedback to improve its performance.

The following built-in rules match the intake Fastly Next-Gen WAF Audit Logs [BETA]. This documentation is updated automatically and is based solely on the fields used by the intake which are checked against our rules. This means that some rules will be listed but might not be relevant with the intake.

SEKOIA.IO x Fastly Next-Gen WAF Audit Logs [BETA] on ATT&CK Navigator

CVE-2020-0688 Microsoft Exchange Server Exploit

Detects the exploitation of CVE-2020-0688. The POC exploit a .NET serialization vulnerability in the Exchange Control Panel (ECP) web page. The vulnerability is due to Microsoft Exchange Server not randomizing the keys on a per-installation basis resulting in them using the same validationKey and decryptionKey values. With knowledge of these, values an attacker can craft a special viewstate to use an OS command to be executed by NT_AUTHORITY\SYSTEM using .NET deserialization. To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker needs to leverage the credentials of an account it had already compromised to authenticate to OWA.

  • Effort: elementary
CVE-2020-17530 Apache Struts RCE

Detects the exploitation of the Apache Struts RCE vulnerability (CVE-2020-17530).

  • Effort: intermediate
CVE-2021-20021 SonicWall Unauthenticated Administrator Access

Detects the exploitation of SonicWall Unauthenticated Admin Access.

  • Effort: advanced
CVE-2021-20023 SonicWall Arbitrary File Read

Detects Arbitrary File Read, which can be used with other vulnerabilities as a mean to obtain outputs generated by attackers, or sensitive data.

  • Effort: advanced
CVE-2021-22893 Pulse Connect Secure RCE Vulnerability

Detects potential exploitation of the authentication by-pass vulnerability that can allow an unauthenticated user to perform remote arbitrary file execution on the Pulse Connect Secure gateway. It is highly recommended to apply the Pulse Secure mitigations and seach for indicators of compromise on affected servers if you are in doubt over the integrity of your Pulse Connect Secure product.

  • Effort: intermediate

Detection of domain names potentially related to cryptomining activities.

  • Effort: master
Detect requests to Konni C2 servers

This rule detects requests to Konni C2 servers. These patterns come from an analysis done in 2022, September.

  • Effort: elementary
Download Files From Suspicious TLDs

Detects download of certain file types from hosts in suspicious TLDs

  • Effort: master
Dynamic DNS Contacted

Detect communication with dynamic dns domain. This kind of domain is often used by attackers. This rule can trigger false positive in non-controlled environment because dynamic dns is not always malicious.

  • Effort: master
Exfiltration Domain

Detects traffic toward a domain flagged as a possible exfiltration vector.

  • Effort: master
Fastly Next-Gen WAF Audit Threat Alert

Forward a threat detection made by Fastly Next-Gen WAF Audit Logs

  • Effort: master
Koadic MSHTML Command

Detects Koadic payload using MSHTML module

  • Effort: intermediate
Nimbo-C2 User Agent

Nimbo-C2 Uses an unusual User-Agent format in its implants.

  • Effort: intermediate
Possible Malicious File Double Extension

Detects request to potential malicious file with double extension

  • Effort: elementary
Potential Bazar Loader User-Agents

Detects potential Bazar loader communications through the user-agent

  • Effort: elementary
Potential Lemon Duck User-Agent

Detects LemonDuck user agent. The format used two sets of alphabetical characters separated by dashes, for example "User-Agent: Lemon-Duck-[A-Z]-[A-Z]".

  • Effort: elementary
ProxyShell Microsoft Exchange Suspicious Paths

Detects suspicious calls to Microsoft Exchange resources, in locations related to webshells observed in campaigns using this vulnerability.

  • Effort: elementary
Remote Access Tool Domain

Detects traffic toward a domain flagged as a Remote Administration Tool (RAT).

  • Effort: master
SEKOIA.IO Intelligence Feed

Detect threats based on indicators of compromise (IOCs) collected by SEKOIA's Threat and Detection Research team.

  • Effort: elementary EICAR Detection

Detects observables in CTI tagged as EICAR, which are fake samples meant to test detection.

  • Effort: master
Suspicious URI Used In A Lazarus Campaign

Detects suspicious requests to a specific URI, usually on an .asp page. The website is often compromised.

  • Effort: intermediate
TOR Usage Generic Rule

Detects TOR usage globally, whether the IP is a destination or source. TOR is short for The Onion Router, and it gets its name from how it works. TOR intercepts the network traffic from one or more apps on user’s computer, usually the user web browser, and shuffles it through a number of randomly-chosen computers before passing it on to its destination. This disguises user location, and makes it harder for servers to pick him/her out on repeat visits, or to tie together separate visits to different sites, this making tracking and surveillance more difficult. Before a network packet starts its journey, user’s computer chooses a random list of relays and repeatedly encrypts the data in multiple layers, like an onion. Each relay knows only enough to strip off the outermost layer of encryption, before passing what’s left on to the next relay in the list.

  • Effort: master

Event Categories

The following table lists the data source offered by this integration.

Data Source Description
Application logs activity related to your corp, such as the creation of new users and sites, and activity related to your sites, such as flagged IPs, the creation of new rules, and site configuration changes.

In details, the following table denotes the type of events produced by this integration.

Name Values
Kind alert
Category configuration, threat
Type ``

Event Samples

Find below few samples of events and how they are normalized by

    "message": "{\"id\": \"65ca37c9a1b93b52ga60bbdf\", \"eventType\": \"accessTokenCreated\", \"msgData\": {\"corpName\": \"corpname\", \"detailLink\": \"\", \"email\": \"\", \"tokenName\": \"Dev Audit log\", \"userAgent\": \"Mozilla/4.0 (X1; Linux x86_64) \"}, \"message\": \"John DOE ( created API Access Token `Dev Audit log`\", \"attachments\": [{\"Title\": \"\", \"Fields\": [{\"Title\": \"Token Name\", \"Value\": \"Dev Audit log\", \"Short\": true}], \"MarkdownFields\": false}], \"created\": \"2024-02-12T15:22:49Z\"}",
    "event": {
        "action": "accessTokenCreated",
        "category": [
        "reason": "created API Access Token `Dev Audit log`",
        "type": [
    "@timestamp": "2024-02-12T15:22:49Z",
    "fastly": {
        "waf": {
            "audit": {
                "corp_name": "corpname",
                "event_id": "65ca37c9a1b93b52ga60bbdf",
                "has_attachments": true,
                "message": "John DOE ( created API Access Token `Dev Audit log`",
                "token_name": "Dev Audit log"
    "observer": {
        "product": "Fastly Audit Logs",
        "vendor": "Fastly"
    "url": {
        "domain": "",
        "original": "",
        "path": "/corps/corpname/users/",
        "port": 443,
        "registered_domain": "",
        "scheme": "https",
        "subdomain": "dashboard",
        "top_level_domain": "net"
    "user": {
        "email": "",
        "full_name": "John DOE"
    "user_agent": {
        "device": {
            "name": "Other"
        "name": "Other",
        "original": "Mozilla/4.0 (X1; Linux x86_64) ",
        "os": {
            "name": "Linux"
    "message": "{\"id\": \"65cb8bd7b0a762e1af01851e\", \"eventType\": \"testIntegration\", \"msgData\": {\"integrationType\": \"generic\"}, \"message\": \"John DOE ( tested a \\\"generic\\\" integration\", \"attachments\": [], \"created\": \"2024-02-13T15:33:43Z\"}",
    "event": {
        "action": "testIntegration",
        "category": [
        "reason": "tested a \"generic\" integration",
        "type": [
    "@timestamp": "2024-02-13T15:33:43Z",
    "fastly": {
        "waf": {
            "audit": {
                "event_id": "65cb8bd7b0a762e1af01851e",
                "has_attachments": false,
                "message": "John DOE ( tested a \"generic\" integration"
    "observer": {
        "product": "Fastly Audit Logs",
        "vendor": "Fastly"
    "user": {
        "email": "",
        "full_name": "John DOE"
    "message": "{\"id\": \"65cb8adc20998c33c75b469a\", \"eventType\": \"loggingModeChanged\", \"msgData\": {\"mode\": \"log\", \"oldMode\": \"block\"}, \"message\": \"John DOE ( changed agent mode from \\\"block\\\" to \\\"log\\\"\", \"attachments\": [], \"created\": \"2024-02-13T15:29:32Z\"}",
    "event": {
        "action": "loggingModeChanged",
        "category": [
        "reason": "changed agent mode from \"block\" to \"log\"",
        "type": [
    "@timestamp": "2024-02-13T15:29:32Z",
    "fastly": {
        "waf": {
            "audit": {
                "event_id": "65cb8adc20998c33c75b469a",
                "has_attachments": false,
                "message": "John DOE ( changed agent mode from \"block\" to \"log\""
    "observer": {
        "product": "Fastly Audit Logs",
        "vendor": "Fastly"
    "user": {
        "email": "",
        "full_name": "John DOE"
    "message": "{\"id\": \"65cb8a386af260edn88be7f7\", \"eventType\": \"createIntegration\", \"msgData\": {\"integrationType\": \"generic\", \"plainSubscribedTo\": \"\\\"all events\\\"\"}, \"message\": \"John DOE ( created a new \\\"generic\\\" integration subscribed to \\\"all events\\\"\", \"attachments\": [], \"created\": \"2024-02-13T15:26:48Z\"}",
    "event": {
        "action": "createIntegration",
        "category": [
        "reason": "created a new \"generic\" integration subscribed to \"all events\"",
        "type": [
    "@timestamp": "2024-02-13T15:26:48Z",
    "fastly": {
        "waf": {
            "audit": {
                "event_id": "65cb8a386af260edn88be7f7",
                "has_attachments": false,
                "message": "John DOE ( created a new \"generic\" integration subscribed to \"all events\""
    "observer": {
        "product": "Fastly Audit Logs",
        "vendor": "Fastly"
    "user": {
        "email": "",
        "full_name": "John DOE"

Extracted Fields

The following table lists the fields that are extracted, normalized under the ECS format, analyzed and indexed by the parser. It should be noted that infered fields are not listed.

Name Type Description
@timestamp date Date/time when the event originated.
event.action keyword The action captured by the event.
event.category keyword Event category. The second categorization field in the hierarchy.
event.kind keyword The kind of the event. The highest categorization field in the hierarchy.
event.reason keyword Reason why this event happened, according to the source
fastly.waf.audit.corp_name keyword Corp name
fastly.waf.audit.event_id keyword Fastly event ID
fastly.waf.audit.has_attachments boolean Event message has attachments
fastly.waf.audit.message keyword Event description
fastly.waf.audit.site_name keyword Site name
fastly.waf.audit.token_name keyword Token name
observer.product keyword The product name of the observer.
observer.vendor keyword Vendor name of the observer.
url.original wildcard Unmodified original url as seen in the event source. keyword User email address.
user.full_name keyword User's full name, if available.
user_agent.original keyword Unparsed user_agent string.


Creating API access tokens

  1. Go to the Fastly WAF and log in.
  2. From the My Profile menu, select API access tokens.
  3. Click Add API access token.
  4. In the Token name field, enter a name to identify the access token.
  5. Click Create API access token.
  6. Record the token in a secure location for your use. Then, click Continue to finish creating the token.


This is the only time the token will be visible. Record the token and keep it secure. configuration procedure

Create your intake

  1. Go to the intake page and create a new intake from the Fastly Audit.
  2. Copy the associated Intake key

Pull the logs to collect them on

Go to the playbook page, and follow these steps:

  1. Click + PLAYBOOK button to create a new one
  2. Select Create a playbook from scratch
  3. Give it a name in the field Name
  4. Open the left panel, click Fastly then select the trigger Fetch new audit logs from Fastly WAF
  5. Click Create

  6. Create a Module configuration. Name the module configuration as you wish.

  7. Create a Trigger configuration using: 7.1. Type the Intake key created on the previous step 7.2 Enter User's email, API token, Corporation name and Site name (if needed) from the Fastly WAF dashboard

  8. Click the Save button

  9. Activate the playbook with the toggle button in the top right corner of the page

Enjoy your events on the Events page