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Azure Monitor

Azure Monitor

Azure Monitor is a comprehensive solution for collecting, analyzing, and acting on telemetry from cloud and on-premises environments to maximize the performance and availability of applications.


Name Type Description
tenant_id string Tenant ID
client_id string Client ID. An application needs to be created in the Azure Portal and assigned relevant permissions. Its Client ID should then be used in this configuration.
client_secret string Client Secret associated with the registered application. Admin Consent has to be granted to the application for it to work.


[BETA] Query Azure Monitor Logs

Execute an Analytics query


Name Type Description
workspace_id string Workspace ID to search in
query string Query
from_date string Get data after this timestamp
to_date string Get data before or at this timestamp
timeout integer The maximum time, in seconds, the query should be processed in (default 300s)


Name Type Description
data array Query results

Set up

How to configure Azure Monitor Logs module

Create an Azure application

  1. On the Azure Portal, in the search bar, go to App registrations
  2. Click + New registration
  3. Type a name
  4. Select Accounts in this organizational directory only option as account type
  5. Click Register
  6. From the Overview page, copy Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID

Create a client secret

  1. Go to Manage > Certificates & secrets
  2. Click + New client secret
  3. Type a description and select the desired expiration period
  4. Click Add
  5. Copy the Value of the client secret

Add role to the APP

  1. In the search bar, go to Subscriptions
  2. Click on one of your subscriptions
  3. On the right panel, Click Access control (IAM)
  4. Click + Add > Add role assignment
  5. In the job function roles sub-tab, search for Log Analytics Reader and select it
  6. Click Next
  7. Select User, group or service principal as access
  8. Click + Select members
  9. Type the name of the Azure application created previously, select it and click Select
  10. Click Review + assign

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Module Azure Monitor v0.1.1