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Sekoia Intelligence (CTI)

Cyber Threat Intelligence is at the core of cybersecurity operations. Everyone can trigger indicators when damage has already happened. Conversely, showcasing high volumes of indicators is easy when these are long expired. Contrary to other threat intel tools, every single bit of information presented on our feed is framed within explicit validity timestamps and constantly updated, so that you are presented with relevant intelligence, just in time.

Through our publications and access to the database of the Intelligence Center, keep track of cyber threat news right while it is occurring.

Our 500+ sources of information help us track over 200 attackers groups and their attack infrastructures over the entire world. This information is thoroughly processed, cross-analysed and contextualised by our analysts, in order to provide you with trustworthy intelligence about real threats, with global coverage wherever your assets are located, and whatever industry you are operating in.

At, the Intelligence Center is a Threat Intelligence knowledge base that is being constantly updated by's analysts.

Product Features

Consume and Investigate

To fully protect your business, you need to have a deep knowledge and understanding of attackers groups. Consume world class and daily updated intelligence through the Intelligence database and our reports. All the intelligence produced by is contextualized and exploitable, which is useful to both strategic and operational teams.

Discover the fully open cyber threat knowledge base and benefit from intuitive interfaces to browse and find the information you are looking for.

  • Search through the Intelligence database: Continuously updated by hundreds of qualified intelligence sources and processed and enriched by, this database is enhanced with research and analysis carried out by our analysts on a daily basis.
  • Stay up to date with our feeds: Setup custom feeds to be able to receive and read the latest news directly in your app. Get notified whenever a new report is updated.
  • Investigate trends and cases with Graph Explorations.


Adapt and customize your intelligence flows based on your needs. To get more information about a specific sector, activity, source or geographical area, you can use our filters to have access to content 100% tailored to your needs.

  • Filter the content you see in the database by setting up feeds.


The spread of security products within a system can make it hard to follow the actual state of your security stance. With, you can use the dashboard module and its widgets to customize your reportings in order to visualize your own KPIs.

  • Create and edit your dashboards to monitor sectors, content being produced or your threat database evolution.