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Synchronize Alerts with Palo Alto Cortex XSOAR

This use case describes how to automatically create an incident on Palo Alto Cortex XSOAR when a new alert is raised on

This integration uses the Playbook and the Generic Webhook of Palo Alto XSOAR to interact between both products. Some information will be automatically sent to Cortex XSOAR but you will be able to adapt it to your needs.

Here is a schema that illustrates this interconnection:

Sekoia Cortex XSOAR Schema


  • A XDR licence
  • Access to Playbooks
  • The user who configures the Playbook should have access to the Playbooks
  • An API Key with a role that contains at least the following permissions:
    • The SYMPHONY_* permissions
  • Admin access to Cortex XSOAR
  • Cortex XSOAR available on the internet


To create your API Key, follow this documentation.


Create an new Incident type on Palo Alto Cortex XSOAR

A dedicated incident type for will enable specific Incident Fields and decide what XSOAR playbook to use.

Follow these steps to create a new Incident type:

  1. From the XSOAR GUI, click on Settings > OBJECTS SETUP > Types
  2. Click on + New Incident Type and give it the name Please configure the other parameters depending on your needs.
  3. Click on Save

Create a webhook on Palo Alto Cortex XSOAR

To allow to create a new incident when a new alert is raised, we need to create a Webhook.

To create this webhook, follow these steps:

  1. From the XSOAR GUI, install the Generic Webhook published by XSOAR from the Market Place
  2. Go to Settings > INTEGRATIONS > Instances and search Generic Webhook
  3. Click on Add instance and give it the name sekoia
  4. Under Incident type, select
  5. Follow the webhook documentation and configure Cortex XSOAR server rerouting to make your webhook available from your XSOAR Url in HTTPS
  6. Fill out Username with _header: Authorization and Password with Bearer YOUR_XSOAR_TOKEN. Replace YOUR_XSOAR_TOKEN with a complex string. It will be used as an authentication
  7. To be able to map information easily into XSOAR, check the option Store sample events for mapping
  8. Click on Save and exit

Create and configure a playbook on

To create and configure a Cortex XSOAR playbook on, follow these steps:

  1. Go the Playbook page page and click + Playbook
  2. Select Use a template and choose the template Automatically create an incident on Palo Alto Cortex XSOAR
  3. Click on the Alert Created module to configure it
  4. On the right panel, under the Module Configuration section, click on + Create new configuration
  5. Complete the form with the following information and click on Save:
    • Name: config
    • Api_key: <YOUR_SEKOIA_APIKEY>
    • Base_url:
  6. Under the Trigger Configuration section, click on + Create new configuration
  7. Complete the form with the following information and click on Save:
    • name: Default
    • Rule Filter: <LEAVE_IT_EMPTY>
  8. Click on the Get Alert module and on the right panel, select the config previously created
  9. Select the Get events from the alert and on the right panel, elect the config previously created
  10. Click on the Create incident on XSOAR module and adapt the configuration:
    • In the Headers section, change the value of YOUR_XSOAR_TOKEN with the complex string your defined during the configuration of the XSOAR webhook
    • In the Url section, change <YOUR_XSOAR_DOMAIN> with the correct value
    • The Json section contains the information that will be sent to XSOAR. By default, it will send the name of the rule that triggered the alert, the creation date, the alert short id, the alert URL, the urgency of the alert and the first event associated to the alert. Please adapt it to your needs if you want more information to be sent.

Your playbook is now ready!

  1. Save your Playbook by clicking on the Save button on the center of the page
  2. Activate your Playbook by toggling the value from Off to On, on the top right of the page

Now, when a new alert is raised on, this playbook will run and call the XSOAR webhook to create an incident.

XSOAR Mapping

By default, only the name of the incident and the creation date are used in the Incident.

To use the alert short ID, the alert URL, the urgency of the alert and the first event associated to the alert, you need to define a mapping on XSOAR.

Those values can be mapped as follow :

JSON key name Cortex XSOAR field
alertId Alert ID
alertUrl Alert URL
events Events
urgency severity

To do this mapping, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > OBJECTS SETUP > Incident Fields and edit the fields Alert ID, Alert URL, Events and severity are Used In to use them for the Incident type
  2. Go to Classification & Mapping and click + New
  3. Select Incident Mapper (incoming) and give it the name mapping
  4. On the left panel, find the XSOAR fields Alert ID, Alert URL, Events and severity and click Choose data path to give them the value of the corresponding JSON key name (for instance Alert ID > alertId)
  5. Click on Save Version

To use this mapping with the Generic Webhook:

  1. Go back to Settings > INTEGRATIONS > Instances and find the Generic Webhook,
  2. On the sekoia instance, click on the edit button
  3. Under Mapper (incoming), select the mapping previously created
  4. Click on Save and exit

Congratulations! The integration with Palo Alto XSOAR is now complete!

View playbook runs

To access playbook runs, follow these steps:

  1. On the GUI, go to the Playbooks page
  2. Select your playbook Automatically create an incident on Palo Alto Cortex XSOAR and click on Edit
  3. On the top right of the page, click on Runs
  4. Verify that the displayed Status is Succeeded
  5. If you click on a run from the history, you will be redirected to the Graph page. From there, you will be able to see the results of each block by clicking on it:

Playbook History