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Query Builder

Start exploring your data with the Query Builder. Hunt for threats, obtain analytics, and create insightful dashboards and reports. The Query Builder is a simple tool that allows you to build queries to explore your data effectively.

With this form, you can aggregate data to extract new insights, helping you make informed decisions. Additionally, the Query Builder enables the visualization of data through various types of charts, enriching your reporting capabilities.

Currently, the Alerts data source is available, along with the Events source and the Cases source, with plans to introduce more sources in the future.

query builder

Build your query

Select a data source to query in the From clause and use Add clause button to refine your query.

The Query Builder comes with the following clauses:

Clause Description
SELECT Choose columns you want to display
AGGREGATION Aggregate rows with average / count / min / max / sum / unique count
WHERE Define query conditions
GROUP BY Group rows by identical data
ORDER BY Order rows by a specific value
LIMIT Limit the number of rows in results


Create an aggregation by using the Aggregate clause. Select a type of aggregation, a column and a label for your aggregation.


The following aggregation types are available.

Aggregation type Description
Average Average of a set
Count Count the number of rows in a set
Min Find the minimum value in a set
Max Find the maximum value in a set
Sum Sum of a set
Unique count Count unique values of a set


Use the following operators to define your conditions in the WHERE clause.

Operator Description
is Equals (case-sensitive)
is not Not equals (case-sensitive)
starts with Starts with the specified value (case-sensitive)
does not start with Does not start with the specified value (case-sensitive)
ends with Ends with the specified value (case-sensitive)
does not end with Does not end with the specified value (case-sensitive)
contains Contains the specified value (case-sensitive)
does not contain Does not contain the specified value (case-sensitive)
exists Has a value
does not exists Does not have a value
within Within the specified date range
< Strictly less than
<= Less than or equal to
> Strictly more than
>= More than or equal to

Alert properties

When using the Query Builder with Alerts as a source, users can filter and manipulate queries based on the following alert properties:

Alert Property Description
Creation date The date and time when the alert was initially created.
Update date The date and time when the alert was last updated.
Entity UUID A unique identifier representing the entity associated with the alert.
Entity name The name of the entity linked to the alert.
Rule UUID A unique identifier for the rule that generated the alert.
Rule name The name assigned to the rule that triggered the alert.
Status The current state of the alert (e.g., open, acknowledged, resolved).
Urgency The level of urgency assigned to the alert.
Similar Properties related to similar alerts.
Short ID A concise identifier for quick reference to the alert.
Time to detect Duration taken to identify the alert from its occurrence in seconds.
Time to acknowledge Time elapsed from detection to official acknowledgment of the alert in seconds.
Time to respond Duration taken to take action after acknowledgment in seconds.
Time to resolve The total time taken to completely resolve the alert in seconds.
Time to ingest The duration from alert generation to its final ingestion into the system in seconds.
Detection type The method by which the alert was detected.
Community UUID A unique identifier for the community the alert belongs to.

Case properties

When using the Query Builder with Cases as a source, users can filter and manipulate queries based on the following case properties:

Property Description
Case Status Name The name of the status associated with the case.
Community UUID A unique identifier for the community related to the case.
Created at The date and time when the case was created.
Created by The user or system that created the case.
Created by type The type of entity that created the case (e.g., user, automated system).
Description A detailed description outlining the case's context or issues.
First seen at The date and time when the case was first detected.
Last seen at The date and time when the case was last observed or updated.
Priority The importance level assigned to the case, indicating its urgency.
Short ID A concise identifier for quick reference to the case.
Tags The names of tags associated with the case for categorization and filtering.
Title The title or subject line of the case.
Updated at The date and time when the case was last updated.
Updated by The user or system that last updated the case.

Run your query

Click on Run query to perform a search.


You can display your results in a table or select a chart type (Pie chart or Vertical bar chart).


Due to the important amount of logs ingested, the Query Builder has rate limits to protect the platform's health.

There are 3 rate limits:

  1. Maximum number of processed rows: At the moment the maximum value is 10 000.
  2. Maximum number of query: 10 query executions are allowed per minute.
  3. Query timeout: A query will timeout automatically after 10 minutes.

About the maximum number of processed rows limit, the Query Builder will display partial results in case this limit is reached.

Chart visualization

Pie chart

pie chart

Use the pie chart to show how a total amount is divided between distinct groups. We have limited the max number of values in pie chart to 40 to ensure a correct display.

  • In Label field, select the column you want to use as a label.
  • In Value field, select the column you want to use as a value.

If possible, we will try to automatically select adequate columns.

Vertical chart

bar chart

Use the vertical bar chart to compare values between different groups. We have limited the max number of values in vertical chart to 80 to ensure a correct display.

  • In X-axis, select the column you want to use. This column can be of any type.
  • In Y-axis, select the column you want to use. This column must be a numeric value.

Save your query

You can save your query to re-execute it later. Choose a title for your query and click on the Save button.

Your last result is also saved and will be displayed when you open your saved query.


  • Saved queries are visible to all users of your community.
  • In MSSP multi-tenancy, saved queries are not visible in sub-communities.

Export your results

You can export your results in JSON Lines format. Export file will have .jsonl extension.


JSON Lines is a convenient format for storing structured data that may be processed one record at a time. It works well with unix-style text processing tools and shell pipelines.

See JSON Lines documentation for more details.

Add query to dashboard

Queries can be added to dashboards. To read more about this feature, check our documentation on dashboards.