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Session duration

The session duration for a workspace/community sets the maximum idle time before users in this community have to log in again.

The default session duration is one month, which is also the maximum session duration. You can select a shorter session duration of up to 15 minutes.

If you are in multiple communities, your session duration will be based on the community with the shortest session duration.

Session duration determines the maximum idle time before users are required to log in again. This is an important security feature that helps protect your account and data.

Default and custom session durations

  • Default session duration: The default session duration is set to one month. This means that if you remain idle for up to one month, you will not be required to log in again.
  • Maximum and minimum session durations: One month is the maximum session duration. You can customize the session duration to be shorter, with a minimum duration of 15 minutes. This allows for increased security by requiring more frequent logins during periods of inactivity.

Managing session duration for multiple communities

If you are a member of multiple communities, your session duration will be governed by the community with the shortest session duration setting.

Setting session duration

If you are an admin and you want to adjust the session duration for your workspace/community:

  1. Go to Settings, then Workspace security
  2. Find session duration in the list
  3. Choose the desired session duration from the available options (ranging from 15 minutes to one month)

By managing your session duration effectively, you can balance convenience with security, ensuring that your account as well as other users' accounts remain protected while minimizing unnecessary logins.