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Trend Micro Vision One Observed Attack Techniques


Trend Micro Vision One is an extended detection and response (XDR) platform that enhances threat detection, investigation, and response across multiple security layers. It provides a centralized view for improved security posture and faster threat remediation. This intake format will ingest Observed Attack Techniques from Trend Micro Vision One.


Important note - This format is currently in beta. We highly value your feedback to improve its performance.

  • Supported environment: SaaS
  • Detection based on: Alerts
  • Supported application or feature:
    • Observed Attack Techniques


How to create an API token

  1. Log in the Trend Vision One console
  2. On the left panel, click Administration then click API keys

    step 1

  3. Click Add API key

    step 2

  4. Type a name for the API key

  5. Select the SIEM role and an expiration time
  6. Check status to enable the API key

    step 3

  7. Copy the API key and click Close

    step 4

Instruction on Sekoia

Configure Your Intake

This section will guide you through creating the intake object in Sekoia, which provides a unique identifier called the "Intake key." The Intake key is essential for later configuration, as it references the Community, Entity, and Parser (Intake Format) used when receiving raw events on Sekoia.

  1. Go to the Sekoia Intake page.
  2. Click on the + New Intake button at the top right of the page.
  3. Search for your Intake by the product name in the search bar.
  4. Give it a Name and associate it with an Entity (and a Community if using multi-tenant mode).
  5. Click on Create.


For more details on how to use the Intake page and to find the Intake key you just created, refer to this documentation.

Event Categories

The following table lists the data source offered by this integration.

Data Source Description
Network intrusion detection system None

In details, the following table denotes the type of events produced by this integration.

Name Values
Kind ``
Category intrusion_detection
Type info

Transformed Events Samples after Ingestion

This section demonstrates how the raw logs will be transformed by our parsers. It shows the extracted fields that will be available for use in the built-in detection rules and hunting activities in the events page. Understanding these transformations is essential for analysts to create effective detection mechanisms with custom detection rules and to leverage the full potential of the collected data.

    "message": "{\"source\": \"endpointActivityData\", \"uuid\": \"2d4af1a4-d784-4a91-9634-b0166f9118ef\", \"filters\": [{\"id\": \"F4231\", \"name\": \"Service Execution via Service Control Manager\", \"description\": \"Service Control Manager (services.exe) has executed a process\", \"mitreTacticIds\": [\"TA0002\"], \"mitreTechniqueIds\": [\"T1560.002\"], \"highlightedObjects\": [{\"type\": \"port\", \"field\": \"objectPort\", \"value\": 443}], \"riskLevel\": \"info\", \"type\": \"custom\"}], \"endpoint\": {\"endpointName\": \"LAB-Luwak-1048\", \"agentGuid\": \"b1cde761-16ad-4067-9a57-cbea882915df\", \"ips\": [\"\", \"433e:5c7b:50b0:d145:2c61:9d1d:f317:627e\"]}, \"entityType\": \"endpoint\", \"entityName\": \"desktop 1 ( or | | arn:aws:lambda:*:%s:function:%s | k8s_container-8c55678bd-8r7zt_default_c1e0cf9a-47bb-41e7-ad41-bac976462a81_6411 | 6d7d30d2148a | -\", \"detectedDateTime\": \"2020-06-01T02:12:56Z\", \"ingestedDateTime\": \"2020-06-01T02:12:56Z\", \"detail\": {\"eventTime\": \"1649806995000\", \"tags\": [\"MITREV9.T1569.002\", \"XSAE.F4231\"], \"uuid\": \"2d4af1a4-d784-4a91-9634-b0166f9118ef\", \"productCode\": \"xes\", \"filterRiskLevel\": \"info\", \"bitwiseFilterRiskLevel\": 1, \"eventId\": \"1\", \"eventSubId\": 2, \"eventHashId\": \"-7817927890991207527\", \"firstSeen\": \"1649806995000\", \"lastSeen\": \"1649806995000\", \"endpointGuid\": \"b1cde761-16ad-4067-9a57-cbea882915df\", \"endpointHostName\": \"LAB-Luwak-1048\", \"endpointIp\": [\"433e:5c7b:50b0:d145:2c61:9d1d:f317:627e\", \"\"], \"endpointMacAddress\": [\"00:50:56:89:09:9b\"], \"timezone\": \"UTC+08:00\", \"pname\": \"751\", \"pver\": \"\", \"plang\": 1, \"pplat\": 5889, \"osName\": \"Windows\", \"osVer\": \"10.0.19044\", \"osDescription\": \"Windows 10 Enterprise (64 bit) build 19044\", \"osType\": \"0x00000004\", \"processHashId\": \"8149551095598764453\", \"processName\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\services.exe\", \"processPid\": 672, \"sessionId\": 0, \"processUser\": \"SYSTEM\", \"processUserDomain\": \"NT AUTHORITY\", \"processLaunchTime\": \"1646826182237\", \"processCmd\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\services.exe\", \"authId\": \"999\", \"integrityLevel\": 16384, \"processFileHashId\": \"-4092577940452904134\", \"processFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\services.exe\", \"processFileHashSha1\": \"a75988a89b1e18c5af82f5f4f5e28f9c91c2cd3e\", \"processFileHashSha256\": \"ab6acff524930ed8fddd84787a8d65ec9ed0b6b62727dac4a23a1ec7a13b4b08\", \"processFileHashMd5\": \"dac02fbf9bebb39e34afe11bfddf2f83\", \"processSigner\": [\"Microsoft Windows Publisher\"], \"processSignerValid\": [true], \"processFileSize\": \"714856\", \"processFileCreation\": \"1618396713939\", \"processFileModifiedTime\": \"1618396713971\", \"processTrueType\": 7, \"objectHashId\": \"499492567380524547\", \"objectUser\": \"NETWORK SERVICE\", \"objectUserDomain\": \"NT AUTHORITY\", \"objectSessionId\": \"0\", \"objectFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\sppsvc.exe\", \"objectFileHashSha1\": \"42aeb6f7261c3c0521d19a77d2ea1956d122921f\", \"objectFileHashSha256\": \"be86edb76a659ddb715dbe985013683bf7831736a779178b28240ee74e393c21\", \"objectFileHashMd5\": \"e47a33a58764cd5cb567000035876e1a\", \"objectSigner\": [\"Microsoft Windows\"], \"objectSignerValid\": [true], \"objectFileSize\": \"4629328\", \"objectFileCreation\": \"1646822883174\", \"objectFileModifiedTime\": \"1646822883393\", \"objectTrueType\": 7, \"objectName\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\sppsvc.exe\", \"objectPid\": 3832, \"objectLaunchTime\": \"1649806995010\", \"objectCmd\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\sppsvc.exe\", \"objectAuthId\": \"996\", \"objectIntegrityLevel\": 16384, \"objectFileHashId\": \"-4729198244400997661\", \"objectRunAsLocalAccount\": false}}",
    "event": {
        "category": [
        "end": "2022-04-12T23:43:15Z",
        "start": "2022-04-12T23:43:15Z",
        "type": [
    "@timestamp": "2020-06-01T02:12:56Z",
    "agent": {
        "id": "b1cde761-16ad-4067-9a57-cbea882915df"
    "host": {
        "id": "b1cde761-16ad-4067-9a57-cbea882915df",
        "ip": [
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        "os": {
            "full": "Windows 10 Enterprise (64 bit) build 19044",
            "name": "Windows",
            "version": "10.0.19044"
    "observer": {
        "product": "Vision One",
        "vendor": "TrendMicro"
    "process": {
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        "name": "services.exe",
        "parent": {
            "command_line": "C:\\Windows\\system32\\services.exe",
            "executable": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\services.exe",
            "hash": {
                "md5": "dac02fbf9bebb39e34afe11bfddf2f83",
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            "pid": 672,
            "start": "2022-03-09T11:43:02.237000Z",
            "user": {
                "domain": "NT AUTHORITY",
                "name": "SYSTEM"
        "pid": 3832
    "related": {
        "hash": [
        "ip": [
        "user": [
            "NETWORK SERVICE"
    "threat": {
        "tactic": {
            "id": [
        "technique": {
            "subtechnique": {
                "id": [
    "user": {
        "domain": "NT AUTHORITY",
        "name": "NETWORK SERVICE"
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    "event": {
        "category": [
        "end": "2024-11-26T16:45:02.571000Z",
        "start": "2024-11-26T16:45:02.571000Z",
        "type": [
    "@timestamp": "2024-11-26T16:45:02Z",
    "agent": {
        "id": "9f6b89c4-c3b2-4b9f-9401-dae324506ceb"
    "group": {
        "id": "3927f750-c536-480a-ae9f-d9ede20f4a9e"
    "host": {
        "id": "1c7a31e1-89e1-4192-aa7b-a341e6a8ebf1",
        "ip": [
        "name": "Windows10",
        "os": {
            "full": "Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) build 19045",
            "name": "Windows",
            "version": "10.0.19045"
    "observer": {
        "product": "Vision One",
        "vendor": "TrendMicro"
    "process": {
        "command_line": "\"C:\\Windows\\system32\\klist.exe\"",
        "name": "powershell_ise.exe",
        "parent": {
            "command_line": "\"C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\PowerShell_ISE.exe\" ",
            "executable": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell_ise.exe",
            "hash": {
                "md5": "fe6a3a98112b13aaad196444afcc041c",
                "sha1": "0aea4fdd45c998bcf774e85ec478ab2e71fb8b4b",
                "sha256": "09f94c21bc54d3de56b4007b0d650cb54a1dbbb91dc1d537426ac442448c4eed"
            "parent": {
                "command_line": "C:\\Windows\\Explorer.EXE",
                "executable": "C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe",
                "hash": {
                    "md5": "a377274ae8e84c7e8ff5fd1b3bb9d080",
                    "sha1": "b1db7fd8ea0d2fb6ca854609c9ff7de5a822b316",
                    "sha256": "4e5fe7cf2873f4e4157d6592154179f6efe0b200dbb72fbdca039e4e4c72d4ac"
                "name": "explorer.exe",
                "pid": "9920",
                "start": "2024-11-26T16:35:53.785000Z",
                "user": {
                    "domain": "Windows10",
                    "name": "jdoe"
            "pid": 5040,
            "start": "2024-11-26T16:37:55.967000Z",
            "user": {
                "domain": "Windows10",
                "name": "jdoe"
        "pid": 3464
    "related": {
        "hash": [
        "ip": [
        "user": [
    "threat": {
        "tactic": {
            "id": [
        "technique": {
            "id": [
    "user": {
        "domain": "Windows10",
        "name": "jdoe"
    "message": "{\"source\": \"endpointActivityData\", \"uuid\": \"43483725-969b-4fb8-a453-c2353a9a5e12\", \"detectedDateTime\": \"2024-11-26T16:45:01Z\", \"filters\": [{\"id\": \"F3367\", \"name\": \"Sensitive File Locating via Powershell\", \"description\": \"Locate files deemed sensitive via Powershell\", \"highlightedObjects\": [{\"field\": \"objectRawDataStr\", \"type\": \"amsi_rawDataStr\", \"value\": [\"\\r\\n                                    if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -ne \\\"NativeCommandErrorMessage\\\" -and $ErrorView -ne \\\"CategoryView\\\")\\r\\n                                    {\\r\\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\\r\\n                                        if ($myinv -and $myinv.MyCommand)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            switch -regex ( $myinv.MyCommand.CommandType )\\r\\n                                            {\\r\\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::ExternalScript)\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.Path)\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.Path + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Script)\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock)\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.ToString() + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                                default\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.InvocationName -match '^[&\\\\.]?$')\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        if ($myinv.MyCommand.Name)\\r\\n                                                        {\\r\\n                                                            $myinv.MyCommand.Name + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                        }\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    else\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.InvocationName + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                            }\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        elseif ($myinv -and $myinv.InvocationName)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $myinv.InvocationName + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                    }\\r\\n                                \", \"\\r\\n                                   if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq \\\"NativeCommandErrorMessage\\\") {\\r\\n                                        $_.Exception.Message   \\r\\n                                   }\\r\\n                                   else\\r\\n                                   {\\r\\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\\r\\n                                        if ($myinv -and ($myinv.MyCommand -or ($_.CategoryInfo.Category -ne 'ParserError'))) {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = $myinv.PositionMessage\\r\\n                                        } else {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\"\\\"\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        \\r\\n                                        if ($posmsg -ne \\\"\\\")\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\"`n\\\" + $posmsg\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n    \\t\\t\\t\\t    \\r\\n                                        if ( & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails } ) {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\" : \\\" +  $_.PSMessageDetails + $posmsg \\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $indent = 4\\r\\n                                        $width = $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - $indent - 2\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $errorCategoryMsg = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }\\r\\n                                        if ($errorCategoryMsg -ne $null)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ CategoryInfo          : \\\" + $_.ErrorCategory_Message\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        else\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ CategoryInfo          : \\\" + $_.CategoryInfo\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $indentString = \\\"+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : \\\" + $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId\\r\\n                                        $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $originInfo = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }\\r\\n                                        if (($originInfo -ne $null) -and ($originInfo.PSComputerName -ne $null))\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ PSComputerName        : \\\" + $originInfo.PSComputerName\\r\\n                                            $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                            foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        if ($ErrorView -eq \\\"CategoryView\\\") {\\r\\n                                            $_.CategoryInfo.GetMessage()\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        elseif (! $_.ErrorDetails -or ! $_.ErrorDetails.Message) {\\r\\n                                            $_.Exception.Message + $posmsg + \\\"`n \\\"\\r\\n                                        } else {\\r\\n                                            $_.ErrorDetails.Message + $posmsg\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                   }\\r\\n                                \", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails }\", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }\", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }\", \"{\\n    Write-Host $_.FullName\\n  }\", \"\\r\\n                                                  $_.PSParentPath.Replace(\\\"Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\\\FileSystem::\\\", \\\"\\\")\\r\\n                                              \", \"\\r\\n                                    [String]::Format(\\\"{0,10}  {1,8}\\\", $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\\\"d\\\"), $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\\\"t\\\"))\\r\\n                                \", \"if ($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { return '' }\\r\\nif ($_.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Offline)\\r\\n{\\r\\n    return '({0})' -f $_.Length\\r\\n}\\r\\nreturn $_.Length\", \"{\\n  if (Test-Path $_) {\\n    Write-Host \\\"$_ found.\\\"\\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n  if (Test-Path $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {\\n    Write-Host \\\"$_ Found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n  $Drive = $_\\n  Get-ChildItem $Drive -Recurse -Include $fileExtensions -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | ForEach-Object {\\n    $path = $_\\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \\\"(?i).*lang.*\\\") {\\n      #Write-Host \\\"$($_.FullName) found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*Pass.*\\\"){\\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\\\"\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*user.*\\\" ){\\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\\\"\\n    }\\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".*\\\\.xls\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsm\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsx\\\") {\\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"user\\\"\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"pass\\\"\\n      }\\n    }\\n    else {\\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"Path name matches extension search: $path\\\"\\n      }\\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).*SiteList\\\\.xml\\\") {\\n        Write-Host \\\"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\\\"\\n        Write-Host \\\"Just going to leave this here:\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n      }\\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }  \\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n    $path = $_\\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \\\"(?i).*lang.*\\\") {\\n      #Write-Host \\\"$($_.FullName) found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*Pass.*\\\"){\\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\\\"\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*user.*\\\" ){\\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\\\"\\n    }\\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".*\\\\.xls\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsm\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsx\\\") {\\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"user\\\"\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"pass\\\"\\n      }\\n    }\\n    else {\\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"Path name matches extension search: $path\\\"\\n      }\\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).*SiteList\\\\.xml\\\") {\\n        Write-Host \\\"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\\\"\\n        Write-Host \\\"Just going to leave this here:\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n      }\\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }  \\n  }\", \"{\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\"]}, {\"field\": \"processCmd\", \"type\": \"command_line\", \"value\": \"\\\"C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0\\\\PowerShell_ISE.exe\\\" \"}, {\"field\": \"parentPid\", \"type\": \"process_id\", \"value\": 9920}, {\"field\": \"processPid\", \"type\": \"process_id\", \"value\": 5040}, {\"field\": \"parentCmd\", \"type\": \"command_line\", \"value\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\Explorer.EXE\"}], \"mitreTacticIds\": [\"TA0009\"], \"mitreTechniqueIds\": [\"T1005\"], \"riskLevel\": \"low\", \"type\": \"preset\"}, {\"id\": \"F1971\", \"name\": \"Modify File Last Modified Timestamp With PowerShell\", \"description\": \"An attempt to modify file's last modified timestamp using Powershell was detected on an endpoint.\", \"highlightedObjects\": [{\"field\": \"processCmd\", \"type\": \"command_line\", \"value\": \"\\\"C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0\\\\PowerShell_ISE.exe\\\" \"}, {\"field\": \"processPid\", \"type\": \"process_id\", \"value\": 5040}, {\"field\": \"objectRawDataStr\", \"type\": \"amsi_rawDataStr\", \"value\": [\"\\r\\n                                    if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -ne \\\"NativeCommandErrorMessage\\\" -and $ErrorView -ne \\\"CategoryView\\\")\\r\\n                                    {\\r\\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\\r\\n                                        if ($myinv -and $myinv.MyCommand)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            switch -regex ( $myinv.MyCommand.CommandType )\\r\\n                                            {\\r\\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::ExternalScript)\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.Path)\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.Path + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Script)\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock)\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.ToString() + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                                default\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.InvocationName -match '^[&\\\\.]?$')\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        if ($myinv.MyCommand.Name)\\r\\n                                                        {\\r\\n                                                            $myinv.MyCommand.Name + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                        }\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    else\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.InvocationName + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                            }\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        elseif ($myinv -and $myinv.InvocationName)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $myinv.InvocationName + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                    }\\r\\n                                \", \"\\r\\n                                   if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq \\\"NativeCommandErrorMessage\\\") {\\r\\n                                        $_.Exception.Message   \\r\\n                                   }\\r\\n                                   else\\r\\n                                   {\\r\\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\\r\\n                                        if ($myinv -and ($myinv.MyCommand -or ($_.CategoryInfo.Category -ne 'ParserError'))) {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = $myinv.PositionMessage\\r\\n                                        } else {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\"\\\"\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        \\r\\n                                        if ($posmsg -ne \\\"\\\")\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\"`n\\\" + $posmsg\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n    \\t\\t\\t\\t    \\r\\n                                        if ( & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails } ) {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\" : \\\" +  $_.PSMessageDetails + $posmsg \\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $indent = 4\\r\\n                                        $width = $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - $indent - 2\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $errorCategoryMsg = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }\\r\\n                                        if ($errorCategoryMsg -ne $null)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ CategoryInfo          : \\\" + $_.ErrorCategory_Message\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        else\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ CategoryInfo          : \\\" + $_.CategoryInfo\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $indentString = \\\"+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : \\\" + $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId\\r\\n                                        $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $originInfo = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }\\r\\n                                        if (($originInfo -ne $null) -and ($originInfo.PSComputerName -ne $null))\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ PSComputerName        : \\\" + $originInfo.PSComputerName\\r\\n                                            $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                            foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        if ($ErrorView -eq \\\"CategoryView\\\") {\\r\\n                                            $_.CategoryInfo.GetMessage()\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        elseif (! $_.ErrorDetails -or ! $_.ErrorDetails.Message) {\\r\\n                                            $_.Exception.Message + $posmsg + \\\"`n \\\"\\r\\n                                        } else {\\r\\n                                            $_.ErrorDetails.Message + $posmsg\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                   }\\r\\n                                \", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails }\", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }\", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }\", \"{\\n    Write-Host $_.FullName\\n  }\", \"\\r\\n                                                  $_.PSParentPath.Replace(\\\"Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\\\FileSystem::\\\", \\\"\\\")\\r\\n                                              \", \"\\r\\n                                    [String]::Format(\\\"{0,10}  {1,8}\\\", $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\\\"d\\\"), $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\\\"t\\\"))\\r\\n                                \", \"if ($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { return '' }\\r\\nif ($_.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Offline)\\r\\n{\\r\\n    return '({0})' -f $_.Length\\r\\n}\\r\\nreturn $_.Length\", \"{\\n  if (Test-Path $_) {\\n    Write-Host \\\"$_ found.\\\"\\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n  if (Test-Path $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {\\n    Write-Host \\\"$_ Found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n  $Drive = $_\\n  Get-ChildItem $Drive -Recurse -Include $fileExtensions -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | ForEach-Object {\\n    $path = $_\\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \\\"(?i).*lang.*\\\") {\\n      #Write-Host \\\"$($_.FullName) found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*Pass.*\\\"){\\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\\\"\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*user.*\\\" ){\\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\\\"\\n    }\\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".*\\\\.xls\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsm\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsx\\\") {\\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"user\\\"\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"pass\\\"\\n      }\\n    }\\n    else {\\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"Path name matches extension search: $path\\\"\\n      }\\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).*SiteList\\\\.xml\\\") {\\n        Write-Host \\\"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\\\"\\n        Write-Host \\\"Just going to leave this here:\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n      }\\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }  \\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n    $path = $_\\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \\\"(?i).*lang.*\\\") {\\n      #Write-Host \\\"$($_.FullName) found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*Pass.*\\\"){\\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\\\"\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*user.*\\\" ){\\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\\\"\\n    }\\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".*\\\\.xls\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsm\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsx\\\") {\\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"user\\\"\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"pass\\\"\\n      }\\n    }\\n    else {\\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"Path name matches extension search: $path\\\"\\n      }\\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).*SiteList\\\\.xml\\\") {\\n        Write-Host \\\"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\\\"\\n        Write-Host \\\"Just going to leave this here:\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n      }\\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }  \\n  }\", \"{\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\"]}, {\"field\": \"parentPid\", \"type\": \"process_id\", \"value\": 9920}, {\"field\": \"parentCmd\", \"type\": \"command_line\", \"value\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\Explorer.EXE\"}], \"mitreTacticIds\": [\"TA0005\"], \"mitreTechniqueIds\": [\"T1070\", \"T1070.006\"], \"riskLevel\": \"info\", \"type\": \"preset\"}], \"detail\": {\"endpointGuid\": \"9567d4bc-ce0b-45cf-b259-138beb4c80c3\", \"endpointHostName\": \"Windows10\", \"endpointIp\": [\"1802:d896:65fe:0b84:742d:0615:f69b:6600\", \"\"], \"eventId\": \"11\", \"eventSubId\": 901, \"eventTime\": \"1732639501774\", \"filterRiskLevel\": \"low\", \"firstSeen\": \"1732639501774\", \"groupId\": \"a1c0d757-0961-40a4-8a00-bf9b2922d5de\", \"integrityLevel\": 12288, \"lastSeen\": \"1732639503446\", \"logReceivedTime\": \"1732639512822\", \"logonUser\": [\"jdoe\"], \"objectAppName\": \"PowerShell_C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0\\\\PowerShell_ISE.exe_10.0.19041.1\", \"objectHashId\": \"-1780503710981816722\", \"objectRawDataStr\": [\"\\r\\n                                    if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -ne \\\"NativeCommandErrorMessage\\\" -and $ErrorView -ne \\\"CategoryView\\\")\\r\\n                                    {\\r\\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\\r\\n                                        if ($myinv -and $myinv.MyCommand)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            switch -regex ( $myinv.MyCommand.CommandType )\\r\\n                                            {\\r\\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::ExternalScript)\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.Path)\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.Path + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Script)\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock)\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.ToString() + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                                default\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.InvocationName -match '^[&\\\\.]?$')\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        if ($myinv.MyCommand.Name)\\r\\n                                                        {\\r\\n                                                            $myinv.MyCommand.Name + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                        }\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    else\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.InvocationName + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                            }\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        elseif ($myinv -and $myinv.InvocationName)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $myinv.InvocationName + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                    }\\r\\n                                \", \"\\r\\n                                   if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq \\\"NativeCommandErrorMessage\\\") {\\r\\n                                        $_.Exception.Message   \\r\\n                                   }\\r\\n                                   else\\r\\n                                   {\\r\\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\\r\\n                                        if ($myinv -and ($myinv.MyCommand -or ($_.CategoryInfo.Category -ne 'ParserError'))) {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = $myinv.PositionMessage\\r\\n                                        } else {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\"\\\"\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        \\r\\n                                        if ($posmsg -ne \\\"\\\")\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\"`n\\\" + $posmsg\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n    \\t\\t\\t\\t    \\r\\n                                        if ( & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails } ) {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\" : \\\" +  $_.PSMessageDetails + $posmsg \\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $indent = 4\\r\\n                                        $width = $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - $indent - 2\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $errorCategoryMsg = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }\\r\\n                                        if ($errorCategoryMsg -ne $null)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ CategoryInfo          : \\\" + $_.ErrorCategory_Message\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        else\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ CategoryInfo          : \\\" + $_.CategoryInfo\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $indentString = \\\"+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : \\\" + $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId\\r\\n                                        $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $originInfo = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }\\r\\n                                        if (($originInfo -ne $null) -and ($originInfo.PSComputerName -ne $null))\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ PSComputerName        : \\\" + $originInfo.PSComputerName\\r\\n                                            $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                            foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        if ($ErrorView -eq \\\"CategoryView\\\") {\\r\\n                                            $_.CategoryInfo.GetMessage()\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        elseif (! $_.ErrorDetails -or ! $_.ErrorDetails.Message) {\\r\\n                                            $_.Exception.Message + $posmsg + \\\"`n \\\"\\r\\n                                        } else {\\r\\n                                            $_.ErrorDetails.Message + $posmsg\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                   }\\r\\n                                \", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails }\", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }\", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }\", \"{\\n    Write-Host $_.FullName\\n  }\", \"\\r\\n                                                  $_.PSParentPath.Replace(\\\"Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\\\FileSystem::\\\", \\\"\\\")\\r\\n                                              \", \"\\r\\n                                    [String]::Format(\\\"{0,10}  {1,8}\\\", $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\\\"d\\\"), $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\\\"t\\\"))\\r\\n                                \", \"if ($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { return '' }\\r\\nif ($_.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Offline)\\r\\n{\\r\\n    return '({0})' -f $_.Length\\r\\n}\\r\\nreturn $_.Length\", \"{\\n  if (Test-Path $_) {\\n    Write-Host \\\"$_ found.\\\"\\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n  if (Test-Path $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {\\n    Write-Host \\\"$_ Found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n  $Drive = $_\\n  Get-ChildItem $Drive -Recurse -Include $fileExtensions -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | ForEach-Object {\\n    $path = $_\\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \\\"(?i).*lang.*\\\") {\\n      #Write-Host \\\"$($_.FullName) found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*Pass.*\\\"){\\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\\\"\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*user.*\\\" ){\\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\\\"\\n    }\\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".*\\\\.xls\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsm\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsx\\\") {\\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"user\\\"\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"pass\\\"\\n      }\\n    }\\n    else {\\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"Path name matches extension search: $path\\\"\\n      }\\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).*SiteList\\\\.xml\\\") {\\n        Write-Host \\\"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\\\"\\n        Write-Host \\\"Just going to leave this here:\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n      }\\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }  \\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n    $path = $_\\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \\\"(?i).*lang.*\\\") {\\n      #Write-Host \\\"$($_.FullName) found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*Pass.*\\\"){\\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\\\"\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*user.*\\\" ){\\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\\\"\\n    }\\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".*\\\\.xls\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsm\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsx\\\") {\\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"user\\\"\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"pass\\\"\\n      }\\n    }\\n    else {\\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"Path name matches extension search: $path\\\"\\n      }\\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).*SiteList\\\\.xml\\\") {\\n        Write-Host \\\"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\\\"\\n        Write-Host \\\"Just going to leave this here:\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n      }\\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }  \\n  }\", \"{\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\"], \"osDescription\": \"Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) build 19045\", \"parentCmd\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\Explorer.EXE\", \"parentFileHashId\": \"1767110345653159701\", \"parentFileHashMd5\": \"f8ad78f2ad64799786242d69ef77edd7\", \"parentFileHashSha1\": \"f021ca2dca81ee77aa80467096a804a26cd11364\", \"parentFileHashSha256\": \"f2e4604dfae18859b13a4efee601df6937e99dd96251c11205c30022b308868f\", \"parentFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\explorer.exe\", \"parentHashId\": \"999588025188847480\", \"parentIntegrityLevel\": 12288, \"parentLaunchTime\": \"1732638953785\", \"parentName\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\explorer.exe\", \"parentPid\": 9920, \"parentSigner\": [\"Microsoft Windows\"], \"parentSignerValid\": [true], \"parentTrueType\": 7, \"parentUser\": \"jdoe\", \"parentUserDomain\": \"Windows10\", \"pname\": \"751\", \"processCmd\": \"\\\"C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0\\\\PowerShell_ISE.exe\\\" \", \"processFileHashId\": \"-4900073020808934214\", \"processFileHashMd5\": \"bd5cf4568d83088240e3b33f9f9838b1\", \"processFileHashSha1\": \"b1692a60d67dc55538f9a25ad3874a6a8f6bb089\", \"processFileHashSha256\": \"4388c298be8260741724ebf8b414ca063247d6a0d5d5aa5318f90edda3189cd2\", \"processFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0\\\\powershell_ise.exe\", \"processHashId\": \"-5529997575794356190\", \"processLaunchTime\": \"1732639075967\", \"processName\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0\\\\powershell_ise.exe\", \"processPid\": 5040, \"processSigner\": [\"Microsoft Windows\"], \"processSignerValid\": [true], \"processTrueType\": 7, \"processUser\": \"jdoe\", \"processUserDomain\": \"Windows10\", \"productCode\": \"xes\", \"tags\": [\"XSAE.F1971\", \"XSAE.F3367\", \"MITRE.T1005\", \"MITRE.T1070.006\", \"MITRE.T1070\"], \"uuid\": \"b2ece961-6eed-43f1-8890-a8d926840049\", \"plang\": 1, \"pver\": \"\", \"processSignerFlagsLibValid\": [false], \"eventHashId\": \"7588760429245659303\", \"processFileSize\": \"212992\", \"eventSourceType\": 1, \"processSignerFlagsAdhoc\": [false], \"objectFirstSeen\": \"1732639501774\", \"processFileModifiedTime\": \"1575651900000\", \"pplat\": 5889, \"processSignerFlagsRuntime\": [false], \"timezone\": \"UTC+00:00\", \"osVer\": \"10.0.19045\", \"authId\": \"1494147\", \"endpointMacAddress\": [\"8f:86:c0:d8:9d:ad\"], \"osType\": \"0x00000030\", \"processFileCreation\": \"1575712305614\", \"userDomain\": [\"Windows10\"], \"sessionId\": 2, \"osName\": \"Windows\", \"objectLastSeen\": \"1732639503446\", \"parentSignerFlagsLibValid\": [false], \"parentFileCreation\": \"1728117061706\", \"parentSessionId\": 2, \"parentFileModifiedTime\": \"1728117061831\", \"parentSignerFlagsAdhoc\": [false], \"parentAuthId\": \"1494147\", \"parentSignerFlagsRuntime\": [false], \"parentFileSize\": \"5845320\", \"objectSessionId\": \"19746\", \"objectRawDataSize\": [\"2995\", \"3802\", \"50\", \"55\", \"44\", \"32\", \"169\", \"169\", \"170\", \"56\", \"107\", \"1848\", \"1719\", \"411\"]}, \"ingestedDateTime\": \"2024-11-26T16:45:25Z\", \"entityType\": \"endpoint\", \"entityName\": \"Windows10(1802:d896:65fe:0b84:742d:0615:f69b:6600,\", \"endpoint\": {\"ips\": [\"1802:d896:65fe:0b84:742d:0615:f69b:6600\", \"\"], \"agentGuid\": \"8e53268d-8348-4fd4-a314-b742448960c9\", \"endpointName\": \"Windows10\"}}",
    "event": {
        "category": [
        "end": "2024-11-26T16:45:03.446000Z",
        "start": "2024-11-26T16:45:01.774000Z",
        "type": [
    "@timestamp": "2024-11-26T16:45:01Z",
    "action": {
        "properties": {
            "ScriptBlockText": [
                "\r\n                                                  $_.PSParentPath.Replace(\"Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\FileSystem::\", \"\")\r\n                                              ",
                "\r\n                                    [String]::Format(\"{0,10}  {1,8}\", $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\"d\"), $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\"t\"))\r\n                                ",
                "\r\n                                    if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -ne \"NativeCommandErrorMessage\" -and $ErrorView -ne \"CategoryView\")\r\n                                    {\r\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\r\n                                        if ($myinv -and $myinv.MyCommand)\r\n                                        {\r\n                                            switch -regex ( $myinv.MyCommand.CommandType )\r\n                                            {\r\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::ExternalScript)\r\n                                                {\r\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.Path)\r\n                                                    {\r\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.Path + \" : \"\r\n                                                    }\r\n                                                    break\r\n                                                }\r\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Script)\r\n                                                {\r\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock)\r\n                                                    {\r\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.ToString() + \" : \"\r\n                                                    }\r\n                                                    break\r\n                                                }\r\n                                                default\r\n                                                {\r\n                                                    if ($myinv.InvocationName -match '^[&\\.]?$')\r\n                                                    {\r\n                                                        if ($myinv.MyCommand.Name)\r\n                                                        {\r\n                                                            $myinv.MyCommand.Name + \" : \"\r\n                                                        }\r\n                                                    }\r\n                                                    else\r\n                                                    {\r\n                                                        $myinv.InvocationName + \" : \"\r\n                                                    }\r\n                                                    break\r\n                                                }\r\n                                            }\r\n                                        }\r\n                                        elseif ($myinv -and $myinv.InvocationName)\r\n                                        {\r\n                                            $myinv.InvocationName + \" : \"\r\n                                        }\r\n                                    }\r\n                                ",
                "\r\n                                   if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq \"NativeCommandErrorMessage\") {\r\n                                        $_.Exception.Message   \r\n                                   }\r\n                                   else\r\n                                   {\r\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\r\n                                        if ($myinv -and ($myinv.MyCommand -or ($_.CategoryInfo.Category -ne 'ParserError'))) {\r\n                                            $posmsg = $myinv.PositionMessage\r\n                                        } else {\r\n                                            $posmsg = \"\"\r\n                                        }\r\n                                        \r\n                                        if ($posmsg -ne \"\")\r\n                                        {\r\n                                            $posmsg = \"`n\" + $posmsg\r\n                                        }\r\n    \t\t\t\t    \r\n                                        if ( & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails } ) {\r\n                                            $posmsg = \" : \" +  $_.PSMessageDetails + $posmsg \r\n                                        }\r\n\r\n                                        $indent = 4\r\n                                        $width = $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - $indent - 2\r\n\r\n                                        $errorCategoryMsg = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }\r\n                                        if ($errorCategoryMsg -ne $null)\r\n                                        {\r\n                                            $indentString = \"+ CategoryInfo          : \" + $_.ErrorCategory_Message\r\n                                        }\r\n                                        else\r\n                                        {\r\n                                            $indentString = \"+ CategoryInfo          : \" + $_.CategoryInfo\r\n                                        }\r\n                                        $posmsg += \"`n\"\r\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \"(.{$width})\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\" \" * $indent + $line) } }\r\n\r\n                                        $indentString = \"+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : \" + $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId\r\n                                        $posmsg += \"`n\"\r\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \"(.{$width})\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\" \" * $indent + $line) } }\r\n\r\n                                        $originInfo = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }\r\n                                        if (($originInfo -ne $null) -and ($originInfo.PSComputerName -ne $null))\r\n                                        {\r\n                                            $indentString = \"+ PSComputerName        : \" + $originInfo.PSComputerName\r\n                                            $posmsg += \"`n\"\r\n                                            foreach($line in @($indentString -split \"(.{$width})\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\" \" * $indent + $line) } }\r\n                                        }\r\n\r\n                                        if ($ErrorView -eq \"CategoryView\") {\r\n                                            $_.CategoryInfo.GetMessage()\r\n                                        }\r\n                                        elseif (! $_.ErrorDetails -or ! $_.ErrorDetails.Message) {\r\n                                            $_.Exception.Message + $posmsg + \"`n \"\r\n                                        } else {\r\n                                            $_.ErrorDetails.Message + $posmsg\r\n                                        }\r\n                                   }\r\n                                ",
                "if ($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { return '' }\r\nif ($_.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Offline)\r\n{\r\n    return '({0})' -f $_.Length\r\n}\r\nreturn $_.Length",
                "{\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\n        if ($passwordFound) {\n          Write-Host \"Possible Password found: $_\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \"$_ triggered\"\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\n        }\n      }",
                "{\n    $path = $_\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \"(?i).*lang.*\") {\n      #Write-Host \"$($_.FullName) found!\" -ForegroundColor red\n    }\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \"(?i).:\\\\.*\\\\.*Pass.*\"){\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\"\n    }\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \".:\\\\.*\\\\.*user.*\" ){\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\"\n    }\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \".*\\.xls\",\".*\\.xlsm\",\".*\\.xlsx\") {\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \"user\"\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \"pass\"\n      }\n    }\n    else {\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \"Path name matches extension search: $path\"\n      }\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \"(?i).*SiteList\\.xml\") {\n        Write-Host \"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\"\n        Write-Host \"Just going to leave this here:\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\n      }\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\n        if ($passwordFound) {\n          Write-Host \"Possible Password found: $_\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \"$_ triggered\"\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\n        }\n      }\n    }  \n  }",
                "{\n    Write-Host $_.FullName\n  }",
                "{\n  $Drive = $_\n  Get-ChildItem $Drive -Recurse -Include $fileExtensions -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | ForEach-Object {\n    $path = $_\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \"(?i).*lang.*\") {\n      #Write-Host \"$($_.FullName) found!\" -ForegroundColor red\n    }\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \"(?i).:\\\\.*\\\\.*Pass.*\"){\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\"\n    }\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \".:\\\\.*\\\\.*user.*\" ){\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\"\n    }\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \".*\\.xls\",\".*\\.xlsm\",\".*\\.xlsx\") {\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \"user\"\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \"pass\"\n      }\n    }\n    else {\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \"Path name matches extension search: $path\"\n      }\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \"(?i).*SiteList\\.xml\") {\n        Write-Host \"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\"\n        Write-Host \"Just going to leave this here:\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\n      }\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\n        if ($passwordFound) {\n          Write-Host \"Possible Password found: $_\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \"$_ triggered\"\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\n        }\n      }\n    }  \n  }\n}",
                "{\n  if (Test-Path $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {\n    Write-Host \"$_ Found!\" -ForegroundColor red\n  }\n}",
                "{\n  if (Test-Path $_) {\n    Write-Host \"$_ found.\"\n  }\n}",
                "{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }",
                "{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }",
                "{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails }"
    "agent": {
        "id": "8e53268d-8348-4fd4-a314-b742448960c9"
    "group": {
        "id": "a1c0d757-0961-40a4-8a00-bf9b2922d5de"
    "host": {
        "id": "9567d4bc-ce0b-45cf-b259-138beb4c80c3",
        "ip": [
        "name": "Windows10",
        "os": {
            "full": "Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) build 19045",
            "name": "Windows",
            "version": "10.0.19045"
    "observer": {
        "product": "Vision One",
        "vendor": "TrendMicro"
    "process": {
        "name": "powershell_ise.exe",
        "parent": {
            "command_line": "\"C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\PowerShell_ISE.exe\" ",
            "executable": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell_ise.exe",
            "hash": {
                "md5": "bd5cf4568d83088240e3b33f9f9838b1",
                "sha1": "b1692a60d67dc55538f9a25ad3874a6a8f6bb089",
                "sha256": "4388c298be8260741724ebf8b414ca063247d6a0d5d5aa5318f90edda3189cd2"
            "parent": {
                "command_line": "C:\\Windows\\Explorer.EXE",
                "executable": "C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe",
                "hash": {
                    "md5": "f8ad78f2ad64799786242d69ef77edd7",
                    "sha1": "f021ca2dca81ee77aa80467096a804a26cd11364",
                    "sha256": "f2e4604dfae18859b13a4efee601df6937e99dd96251c11205c30022b308868f"
                "name": "explorer.exe",
                "pid": "9920",
                "start": "2024-11-26T16:35:53.785000Z",
                "user": {
                    "domain": "Windows10",
                    "name": "jdoe"
            "pid": 5040,
            "start": "2024-11-26T16:37:55.967000Z",
            "user": {
                "domain": "Windows10",
                "name": "jdoe"
    "related": {
        "hash": [
        "ip": [
    "threat": {
        "tactic": {
            "id": [
        "technique": {
            "id": [
            "subtechnique": {
                "id": [

Extracted Fields

The following table lists the fields that are extracted, normalized under the ECS format, analyzed and indexed by the parser. It should be noted that infered fields are not listed.

Name Type Description
@timestamp date Date/time when the event originated. keyword keyword Unique identifier of this agent.
event.category keyword Event category. The second categorization field in the hierarchy.
event.end date event.end contains the date when the event ended or when the activity was last observed.
event.start date event.start contains the date when the event started or when the activity was first observed.
event.type keyword Event type. The third categorization field in the hierarchy. keyword Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. keyword Unique host id.
host.ip ip Host ip addresses. keyword Name of the host.
host.os.full keyword Operating system name, including the version or code name. keyword Operating system name, without the version.
host.os.version keyword Operating system version as a raw string.
observer.product keyword The product name of the observer.
observer.vendor keyword Vendor name of the observer.
process.command_line wildcard Full command line that started the process.
process.executable keyword Absolute path to the process executable.
process.hash.md5 keyword MD5 hash.
process.hash.sha1 keyword SHA1 hash.
process.hash.sha256 keyword SHA256 hash. keyword Process name.
process.parent.command_line wildcard Full command line that started the process.
process.parent.executable keyword Absolute path to the process executable.
process.parent.hash.md5 keyword MD5 hash.
process.parent.hash.sha1 keyword SHA1 hash.
process.parent.hash.sha256 keyword SHA256 hash.
process.parent.parent.command_line keyword
process.parent.parent.executable keyword
process.parent.parent.hash.md5 keyword
process.parent.parent.hash.sha1 keyword
process.parent.parent.hash.sha256 keyword keyword keyword
process.parent.parent.start datetime
process.parent.parent.user.domain keyword keyword long Process id.
process.parent.start date The time the process started.
process.parent.user.domain keyword long Process id. keyword Threat tactic id. keyword Threat technique id. keyword Threat subtechnique id.
user.domain keyword Name of the directory the user is a member of. keyword Short name or login of the user.

For more information on the Intake Format, please find the code of the Parser, Smart Descriptions, and Supported Events here.

Detection section

The following section provides information for those who wish to learn more about the detection capabilities enabled by collecting this intake. It includes details about the built-in rule catalog, event categories, and ECS fields extracted from raw events. This is essential for users aiming to create custom detection rules, perform hunting activities, or pivot in the events page.

Event Categories

The following table lists the data source offered by this integration.

Data Source Description
Network intrusion detection system None

In details, the following table denotes the type of events produced by this integration.

Name Values
Kind ``
Category intrusion_detection
Type info

Transformed Events Samples after Ingestion

This section demonstrates how the raw logs will be transformed by our parsers. It shows the extracted fields that will be available for use in the built-in detection rules and hunting activities in the events page. Understanding these transformations is essential for analysts to create effective detection mechanisms with custom detection rules and to leverage the full potential of the collected data.

    "message": "{\"source\": \"endpointActivityData\", \"uuid\": \"2d4af1a4-d784-4a91-9634-b0166f9118ef\", \"filters\": [{\"id\": \"F4231\", \"name\": \"Service Execution via Service Control Manager\", \"description\": \"Service Control Manager (services.exe) has executed a process\", \"mitreTacticIds\": [\"TA0002\"], \"mitreTechniqueIds\": [\"T1560.002\"], \"highlightedObjects\": [{\"type\": \"port\", \"field\": \"objectPort\", \"value\": 443}], \"riskLevel\": \"info\", \"type\": \"custom\"}], \"endpoint\": {\"endpointName\": \"LAB-Luwak-1048\", \"agentGuid\": \"b1cde761-16ad-4067-9a57-cbea882915df\", \"ips\": [\"\", \"433e:5c7b:50b0:d145:2c61:9d1d:f317:627e\"]}, \"entityType\": \"endpoint\", \"entityName\": \"desktop 1 ( or | | arn:aws:lambda:*:%s:function:%s | k8s_container-8c55678bd-8r7zt_default_c1e0cf9a-47bb-41e7-ad41-bac976462a81_6411 | 6d7d30d2148a | -\", \"detectedDateTime\": \"2020-06-01T02:12:56Z\", \"ingestedDateTime\": \"2020-06-01T02:12:56Z\", \"detail\": {\"eventTime\": \"1649806995000\", \"tags\": [\"MITREV9.T1569.002\", \"XSAE.F4231\"], \"uuid\": \"2d4af1a4-d784-4a91-9634-b0166f9118ef\", \"productCode\": \"xes\", \"filterRiskLevel\": \"info\", \"bitwiseFilterRiskLevel\": 1, \"eventId\": \"1\", \"eventSubId\": 2, \"eventHashId\": \"-7817927890991207527\", \"firstSeen\": \"1649806995000\", \"lastSeen\": \"1649806995000\", \"endpointGuid\": \"b1cde761-16ad-4067-9a57-cbea882915df\", \"endpointHostName\": \"LAB-Luwak-1048\", \"endpointIp\": [\"433e:5c7b:50b0:d145:2c61:9d1d:f317:627e\", \"\"], \"endpointMacAddress\": [\"00:50:56:89:09:9b\"], \"timezone\": \"UTC+08:00\", \"pname\": \"751\", \"pver\": \"\", \"plang\": 1, \"pplat\": 5889, \"osName\": \"Windows\", \"osVer\": \"10.0.19044\", \"osDescription\": \"Windows 10 Enterprise (64 bit) build 19044\", \"osType\": \"0x00000004\", \"processHashId\": \"8149551095598764453\", \"processName\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\services.exe\", \"processPid\": 672, \"sessionId\": 0, \"processUser\": \"SYSTEM\", \"processUserDomain\": \"NT AUTHORITY\", \"processLaunchTime\": \"1646826182237\", \"processCmd\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\services.exe\", \"authId\": \"999\", \"integrityLevel\": 16384, \"processFileHashId\": \"-4092577940452904134\", \"processFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\services.exe\", \"processFileHashSha1\": \"a75988a89b1e18c5af82f5f4f5e28f9c91c2cd3e\", \"processFileHashSha256\": \"ab6acff524930ed8fddd84787a8d65ec9ed0b6b62727dac4a23a1ec7a13b4b08\", \"processFileHashMd5\": \"dac02fbf9bebb39e34afe11bfddf2f83\", \"processSigner\": [\"Microsoft Windows Publisher\"], \"processSignerValid\": [true], \"processFileSize\": \"714856\", \"processFileCreation\": \"1618396713939\", \"processFileModifiedTime\": \"1618396713971\", \"processTrueType\": 7, \"objectHashId\": \"499492567380524547\", \"objectUser\": \"NETWORK SERVICE\", \"objectUserDomain\": \"NT AUTHORITY\", \"objectSessionId\": \"0\", \"objectFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\sppsvc.exe\", \"objectFileHashSha1\": \"42aeb6f7261c3c0521d19a77d2ea1956d122921f\", \"objectFileHashSha256\": \"be86edb76a659ddb715dbe985013683bf7831736a779178b28240ee74e393c21\", \"objectFileHashMd5\": \"e47a33a58764cd5cb567000035876e1a\", \"objectSigner\": [\"Microsoft Windows\"], \"objectSignerValid\": [true], \"objectFileSize\": \"4629328\", \"objectFileCreation\": \"1646822883174\", \"objectFileModifiedTime\": \"1646822883393\", \"objectTrueType\": 7, \"objectName\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\sppsvc.exe\", \"objectPid\": 3832, \"objectLaunchTime\": \"1649806995010\", \"objectCmd\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\sppsvc.exe\", \"objectAuthId\": \"996\", \"objectIntegrityLevel\": 16384, \"objectFileHashId\": \"-4729198244400997661\", \"objectRunAsLocalAccount\": false}}",
    "event": {
        "category": [
        "end": "2022-04-12T23:43:15Z",
        "start": "2022-04-12T23:43:15Z",
        "type": [
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    "agent": {
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            "name": "Windows",
            "version": "10.0.19045"
    "observer": {
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        "vendor": "TrendMicro"
    "process": {
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        "name": "powershell_ise.exe",
        "parent": {
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            "executable": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell_ise.exe",
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                "executable": "C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe",
                "hash": {
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                    "sha1": "b1db7fd8ea0d2fb6ca854609c9ff7de5a822b316",
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                "start": "2024-11-26T16:35:53.785000Z",
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                    "name": "jdoe"
            "pid": 5040,
            "start": "2024-11-26T16:37:55.967000Z",
            "user": {
                "domain": "Windows10",
                "name": "jdoe"
        "pid": 3464
    "related": {
        "hash": [
        "ip": [
        "user": [
    "threat": {
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            "id": [
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            "id": [
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        "name": "jdoe"
    "message": "{\"source\": \"endpointActivityData\", \"uuid\": \"43483725-969b-4fb8-a453-c2353a9a5e12\", \"detectedDateTime\": \"2024-11-26T16:45:01Z\", \"filters\": [{\"id\": \"F3367\", \"name\": \"Sensitive File Locating via Powershell\", \"description\": \"Locate files deemed sensitive via Powershell\", \"highlightedObjects\": [{\"field\": \"objectRawDataStr\", \"type\": \"amsi_rawDataStr\", \"value\": [\"\\r\\n                                    if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -ne \\\"NativeCommandErrorMessage\\\" -and $ErrorView -ne \\\"CategoryView\\\")\\r\\n                                    {\\r\\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\\r\\n                                        if ($myinv -and $myinv.MyCommand)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            switch -regex ( $myinv.MyCommand.CommandType )\\r\\n                                            {\\r\\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::ExternalScript)\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.Path)\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.Path + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Script)\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock)\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.ToString() + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                                default\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.InvocationName -match '^[&\\\\.]?$')\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        if ($myinv.MyCommand.Name)\\r\\n                                                        {\\r\\n                                                            $myinv.MyCommand.Name + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                        }\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    else\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.InvocationName + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                            }\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        elseif ($myinv -and $myinv.InvocationName)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $myinv.InvocationName + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                    }\\r\\n                                \", \"\\r\\n                                   if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq \\\"NativeCommandErrorMessage\\\") {\\r\\n                                        $_.Exception.Message   \\r\\n                                   }\\r\\n                                   else\\r\\n                                   {\\r\\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\\r\\n                                        if ($myinv -and ($myinv.MyCommand -or ($_.CategoryInfo.Category -ne 'ParserError'))) {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = $myinv.PositionMessage\\r\\n                                        } else {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\"\\\"\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        \\r\\n                                        if ($posmsg -ne \\\"\\\")\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\"`n\\\" + $posmsg\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n    \\t\\t\\t\\t    \\r\\n                                        if ( & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails } ) {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\" : \\\" +  $_.PSMessageDetails + $posmsg \\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $indent = 4\\r\\n                                        $width = $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - $indent - 2\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $errorCategoryMsg = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }\\r\\n                                        if ($errorCategoryMsg -ne $null)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ CategoryInfo          : \\\" + $_.ErrorCategory_Message\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        else\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ CategoryInfo          : \\\" + $_.CategoryInfo\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $indentString = \\\"+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : \\\" + $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId\\r\\n                                        $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $originInfo = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }\\r\\n                                        if (($originInfo -ne $null) -and ($originInfo.PSComputerName -ne $null))\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ PSComputerName        : \\\" + $originInfo.PSComputerName\\r\\n                                            $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                            foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        if ($ErrorView -eq \\\"CategoryView\\\") {\\r\\n                                            $_.CategoryInfo.GetMessage()\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        elseif (! $_.ErrorDetails -or ! $_.ErrorDetails.Message) {\\r\\n                                            $_.Exception.Message + $posmsg + \\\"`n \\\"\\r\\n                                        } else {\\r\\n                                            $_.ErrorDetails.Message + $posmsg\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                   }\\r\\n                                \", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails }\", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }\", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }\", \"{\\n    Write-Host $_.FullName\\n  }\", \"\\r\\n                                                  $_.PSParentPath.Replace(\\\"Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\\\FileSystem::\\\", \\\"\\\")\\r\\n                                              \", \"\\r\\n                                    [String]::Format(\\\"{0,10}  {1,8}\\\", $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\\\"d\\\"), $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\\\"t\\\"))\\r\\n                                \", \"if ($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { return '' }\\r\\nif ($_.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Offline)\\r\\n{\\r\\n    return '({0})' -f $_.Length\\r\\n}\\r\\nreturn $_.Length\", \"{\\n  if (Test-Path $_) {\\n    Write-Host \\\"$_ found.\\\"\\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n  if (Test-Path $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {\\n    Write-Host \\\"$_ Found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n  $Drive = $_\\n  Get-ChildItem $Drive -Recurse -Include $fileExtensions -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | ForEach-Object {\\n    $path = $_\\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \\\"(?i).*lang.*\\\") {\\n      #Write-Host \\\"$($_.FullName) found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*Pass.*\\\"){\\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\\\"\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*user.*\\\" ){\\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\\\"\\n    }\\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".*\\\\.xls\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsm\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsx\\\") {\\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"user\\\"\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"pass\\\"\\n      }\\n    }\\n    else {\\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"Path name matches extension search: $path\\\"\\n      }\\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).*SiteList\\\\.xml\\\") {\\n        Write-Host \\\"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\\\"\\n        Write-Host \\\"Just going to leave this here:\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n      }\\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }  \\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n    $path = $_\\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \\\"(?i).*lang.*\\\") {\\n      #Write-Host \\\"$($_.FullName) found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*Pass.*\\\"){\\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\\\"\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*user.*\\\" ){\\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\\\"\\n    }\\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".*\\\\.xls\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsm\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsx\\\") {\\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"user\\\"\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"pass\\\"\\n      }\\n    }\\n    else {\\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"Path name matches extension search: $path\\\"\\n      }\\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).*SiteList\\\\.xml\\\") {\\n        Write-Host \\\"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\\\"\\n        Write-Host \\\"Just going to leave this here:\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n      }\\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }  \\n  }\", \"{\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\"]}, {\"field\": \"processCmd\", \"type\": \"command_line\", \"value\": \"\\\"C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0\\\\PowerShell_ISE.exe\\\" \"}, {\"field\": \"parentPid\", \"type\": \"process_id\", \"value\": 9920}, {\"field\": \"processPid\", \"type\": \"process_id\", \"value\": 5040}, {\"field\": \"parentCmd\", \"type\": \"command_line\", \"value\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\Explorer.EXE\"}], \"mitreTacticIds\": [\"TA0009\"], \"mitreTechniqueIds\": [\"T1005\"], \"riskLevel\": \"low\", \"type\": \"preset\"}, {\"id\": \"F1971\", \"name\": \"Modify File Last Modified Timestamp With PowerShell\", \"description\": \"An attempt to modify file's last modified timestamp using Powershell was detected on an endpoint.\", \"highlightedObjects\": [{\"field\": \"processCmd\", \"type\": \"command_line\", \"value\": \"\\\"C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0\\\\PowerShell_ISE.exe\\\" \"}, {\"field\": \"processPid\", \"type\": \"process_id\", \"value\": 5040}, {\"field\": \"objectRawDataStr\", \"type\": \"amsi_rawDataStr\", \"value\": [\"\\r\\n                                    if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -ne \\\"NativeCommandErrorMessage\\\" -and $ErrorView -ne \\\"CategoryView\\\")\\r\\n                                    {\\r\\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\\r\\n                                        if ($myinv -and $myinv.MyCommand)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            switch -regex ( $myinv.MyCommand.CommandType )\\r\\n                                            {\\r\\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::ExternalScript)\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.Path)\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.Path + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Script)\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock)\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.ToString() + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                                default\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.InvocationName -match '^[&\\\\.]?$')\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        if ($myinv.MyCommand.Name)\\r\\n                                                        {\\r\\n                                                            $myinv.MyCommand.Name + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                        }\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    else\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.InvocationName + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                            }\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        elseif ($myinv -and $myinv.InvocationName)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $myinv.InvocationName + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                    }\\r\\n                                \", \"\\r\\n                                   if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq \\\"NativeCommandErrorMessage\\\") {\\r\\n                                        $_.Exception.Message   \\r\\n                                   }\\r\\n                                   else\\r\\n                                   {\\r\\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\\r\\n                                        if ($myinv -and ($myinv.MyCommand -or ($_.CategoryInfo.Category -ne 'ParserError'))) {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = $myinv.PositionMessage\\r\\n                                        } else {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\"\\\"\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        \\r\\n                                        if ($posmsg -ne \\\"\\\")\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\"`n\\\" + $posmsg\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n    \\t\\t\\t\\t    \\r\\n                                        if ( & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails } ) {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\" : \\\" +  $_.PSMessageDetails + $posmsg \\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $indent = 4\\r\\n                                        $width = $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - $indent - 2\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $errorCategoryMsg = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }\\r\\n                                        if ($errorCategoryMsg -ne $null)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ CategoryInfo          : \\\" + $_.ErrorCategory_Message\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        else\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ CategoryInfo          : \\\" + $_.CategoryInfo\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $indentString = \\\"+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : \\\" + $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId\\r\\n                                        $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $originInfo = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }\\r\\n                                        if (($originInfo -ne $null) -and ($originInfo.PSComputerName -ne $null))\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ PSComputerName        : \\\" + $originInfo.PSComputerName\\r\\n                                            $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                            foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        if ($ErrorView -eq \\\"CategoryView\\\") {\\r\\n                                            $_.CategoryInfo.GetMessage()\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        elseif (! $_.ErrorDetails -or ! $_.ErrorDetails.Message) {\\r\\n                                            $_.Exception.Message + $posmsg + \\\"`n \\\"\\r\\n                                        } else {\\r\\n                                            $_.ErrorDetails.Message + $posmsg\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                   }\\r\\n                                \", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails }\", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }\", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }\", \"{\\n    Write-Host $_.FullName\\n  }\", \"\\r\\n                                                  $_.PSParentPath.Replace(\\\"Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\\\FileSystem::\\\", \\\"\\\")\\r\\n                                              \", \"\\r\\n                                    [String]::Format(\\\"{0,10}  {1,8}\\\", $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\\\"d\\\"), $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\\\"t\\\"))\\r\\n                                \", \"if ($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { return '' }\\r\\nif ($_.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Offline)\\r\\n{\\r\\n    return '({0})' -f $_.Length\\r\\n}\\r\\nreturn $_.Length\", \"{\\n  if (Test-Path $_) {\\n    Write-Host \\\"$_ found.\\\"\\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n  if (Test-Path $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {\\n    Write-Host \\\"$_ Found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n  $Drive = $_\\n  Get-ChildItem $Drive -Recurse -Include $fileExtensions -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | ForEach-Object {\\n    $path = $_\\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \\\"(?i).*lang.*\\\") {\\n      #Write-Host \\\"$($_.FullName) found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*Pass.*\\\"){\\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\\\"\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*user.*\\\" ){\\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\\\"\\n    }\\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".*\\\\.xls\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsm\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsx\\\") {\\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"user\\\"\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"pass\\\"\\n      }\\n    }\\n    else {\\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"Path name matches extension search: $path\\\"\\n      }\\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).*SiteList\\\\.xml\\\") {\\n        Write-Host \\\"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\\\"\\n        Write-Host \\\"Just going to leave this here:\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n      }\\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }  \\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n    $path = $_\\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \\\"(?i).*lang.*\\\") {\\n      #Write-Host \\\"$($_.FullName) found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*Pass.*\\\"){\\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\\\"\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*user.*\\\" ){\\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\\\"\\n    }\\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".*\\\\.xls\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsm\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsx\\\") {\\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"user\\\"\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"pass\\\"\\n      }\\n    }\\n    else {\\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"Path name matches extension search: $path\\\"\\n      }\\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).*SiteList\\\\.xml\\\") {\\n        Write-Host \\\"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\\\"\\n        Write-Host \\\"Just going to leave this here:\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n      }\\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }  \\n  }\", \"{\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\"]}, {\"field\": \"parentPid\", \"type\": \"process_id\", \"value\": 9920}, {\"field\": \"parentCmd\", \"type\": \"command_line\", \"value\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\Explorer.EXE\"}], \"mitreTacticIds\": [\"TA0005\"], \"mitreTechniqueIds\": [\"T1070\", \"T1070.006\"], \"riskLevel\": \"info\", \"type\": \"preset\"}], \"detail\": {\"endpointGuid\": \"9567d4bc-ce0b-45cf-b259-138beb4c80c3\", \"endpointHostName\": \"Windows10\", \"endpointIp\": [\"1802:d896:65fe:0b84:742d:0615:f69b:6600\", \"\"], \"eventId\": \"11\", \"eventSubId\": 901, \"eventTime\": \"1732639501774\", \"filterRiskLevel\": \"low\", \"firstSeen\": \"1732639501774\", \"groupId\": \"a1c0d757-0961-40a4-8a00-bf9b2922d5de\", \"integrityLevel\": 12288, \"lastSeen\": \"1732639503446\", \"logReceivedTime\": \"1732639512822\", \"logonUser\": [\"jdoe\"], \"objectAppName\": \"PowerShell_C:\\\\Windows\\\\system32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0\\\\PowerShell_ISE.exe_10.0.19041.1\", \"objectHashId\": \"-1780503710981816722\", \"objectRawDataStr\": [\"\\r\\n                                    if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -ne \\\"NativeCommandErrorMessage\\\" -and $ErrorView -ne \\\"CategoryView\\\")\\r\\n                                    {\\r\\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\\r\\n                                        if ($myinv -and $myinv.MyCommand)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            switch -regex ( $myinv.MyCommand.CommandType )\\r\\n                                            {\\r\\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::ExternalScript)\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.Path)\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.Path + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Script)\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock)\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.ToString() + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                                default\\r\\n                                                {\\r\\n                                                    if ($myinv.InvocationName -match '^[&\\\\.]?$')\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        if ($myinv.MyCommand.Name)\\r\\n                                                        {\\r\\n                                                            $myinv.MyCommand.Name + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                        }\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    else\\r\\n                                                    {\\r\\n                                                        $myinv.InvocationName + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                                    }\\r\\n                                                    break\\r\\n                                                }\\r\\n                                            }\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        elseif ($myinv -and $myinv.InvocationName)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $myinv.InvocationName + \\\" : \\\"\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                    }\\r\\n                                \", \"\\r\\n                                   if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq \\\"NativeCommandErrorMessage\\\") {\\r\\n                                        $_.Exception.Message   \\r\\n                                   }\\r\\n                                   else\\r\\n                                   {\\r\\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\\r\\n                                        if ($myinv -and ($myinv.MyCommand -or ($_.CategoryInfo.Category -ne 'ParserError'))) {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = $myinv.PositionMessage\\r\\n                                        } else {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\"\\\"\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        \\r\\n                                        if ($posmsg -ne \\\"\\\")\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\"`n\\\" + $posmsg\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n    \\t\\t\\t\\t    \\r\\n                                        if ( & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails } ) {\\r\\n                                            $posmsg = \\\" : \\\" +  $_.PSMessageDetails + $posmsg \\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $indent = 4\\r\\n                                        $width = $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - $indent - 2\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $errorCategoryMsg = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }\\r\\n                                        if ($errorCategoryMsg -ne $null)\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ CategoryInfo          : \\\" + $_.ErrorCategory_Message\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        else\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ CategoryInfo          : \\\" + $_.CategoryInfo\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $indentString = \\\"+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : \\\" + $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId\\r\\n                                        $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        $originInfo = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }\\r\\n                                        if (($originInfo -ne $null) -and ($originInfo.PSComputerName -ne $null))\\r\\n                                        {\\r\\n                                            $indentString = \\\"+ PSComputerName        : \\\" + $originInfo.PSComputerName\\r\\n                                            $posmsg += \\\"`n\\\"\\r\\n                                            foreach($line in @($indentString -split \\\"(.{$width})\\\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\\\" \\\" * $indent + $line) } }\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n\\r\\n                                        if ($ErrorView -eq \\\"CategoryView\\\") {\\r\\n                                            $_.CategoryInfo.GetMessage()\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                        elseif (! $_.ErrorDetails -or ! $_.ErrorDetails.Message) {\\r\\n                                            $_.Exception.Message + $posmsg + \\\"`n \\\"\\r\\n                                        } else {\\r\\n                                            $_.ErrorDetails.Message + $posmsg\\r\\n                                        }\\r\\n                                   }\\r\\n                                \", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails }\", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }\", \"{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }\", \"{\\n    Write-Host $_.FullName\\n  }\", \"\\r\\n                                                  $_.PSParentPath.Replace(\\\"Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\\\FileSystem::\\\", \\\"\\\")\\r\\n                                              \", \"\\r\\n                                    [String]::Format(\\\"{0,10}  {1,8}\\\", $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\\\"d\\\"), $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\\\"t\\\"))\\r\\n                                \", \"if ($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { return '' }\\r\\nif ($_.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Offline)\\r\\n{\\r\\n    return '({0})' -f $_.Length\\r\\n}\\r\\nreturn $_.Length\", \"{\\n  if (Test-Path $_) {\\n    Write-Host \\\"$_ found.\\\"\\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n  if (Test-Path $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {\\n    Write-Host \\\"$_ Found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n  $Drive = $_\\n  Get-ChildItem $Drive -Recurse -Include $fileExtensions -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | ForEach-Object {\\n    $path = $_\\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \\\"(?i).*lang.*\\\") {\\n      #Write-Host \\\"$($_.FullName) found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*Pass.*\\\"){\\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\\\"\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*user.*\\\" ){\\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\\\"\\n    }\\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".*\\\\.xls\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsm\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsx\\\") {\\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"user\\\"\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"pass\\\"\\n      }\\n    }\\n    else {\\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"Path name matches extension search: $path\\\"\\n      }\\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).*SiteList\\\\.xml\\\") {\\n        Write-Host \\\"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\\\"\\n        Write-Host \\\"Just going to leave this here:\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n      }\\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }  \\n  }\\n}\", \"{\\n    $path = $_\\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \\\"(?i).*lang.*\\\") {\\n      #Write-Host \\\"$($_.FullName) found!\\\" -ForegroundColor red\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*Pass.*\\\"){\\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\\\"\\n    }\\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".:\\\\\\\\.*\\\\\\\\.*user.*\\\" ){\\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\\\"\\n    }\\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \\\".*\\\\.xls\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsm\\\",\\\".*\\\\.xlsx\\\") {\\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"user\\\"\\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \\\"pass\\\"\\n      }\\n    }\\n    else {\\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"Path name matches extension search: $path\\\"\\n      }\\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \\\"(?i).*SiteList\\\\.xml\\\") {\\n        Write-Host \\\"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\\\"\\n        Write-Host \\\"Just going to leave this here:\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n      }\\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\\n    }  \\n  }\", \"{\\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\\n        if ($passwordFound) {\\n          Write-Host \\\"Possible Password found: $_\\\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \\\"$_ triggered\\\"\\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\\n        }\\n      }\"], \"osDescription\": \"Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) build 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\"b1692a60d67dc55538f9a25ad3874a6a8f6bb089\", \"processFileHashSha256\": \"4388c298be8260741724ebf8b414ca063247d6a0d5d5aa5318f90edda3189cd2\", \"processFilePath\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0\\\\powershell_ise.exe\", \"processHashId\": \"-5529997575794356190\", \"processLaunchTime\": \"1732639075967\", \"processName\": \"C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\WindowsPowerShell\\\\v1.0\\\\powershell_ise.exe\", \"processPid\": 5040, \"processSigner\": [\"Microsoft Windows\"], \"processSignerValid\": [true], \"processTrueType\": 7, \"processUser\": \"jdoe\", \"processUserDomain\": \"Windows10\", \"productCode\": \"xes\", \"tags\": [\"XSAE.F1971\", \"XSAE.F3367\", \"MITRE.T1005\", \"MITRE.T1070.006\", \"MITRE.T1070\"], \"uuid\": \"b2ece961-6eed-43f1-8890-a8d926840049\", \"plang\": 1, \"pver\": \"\", \"processSignerFlagsLibValid\": [false], \"eventHashId\": \"7588760429245659303\", \"processFileSize\": \"212992\", \"eventSourceType\": 1, \"processSignerFlagsAdhoc\": [false], \"objectFirstSeen\": \"1732639501774\", \"processFileModifiedTime\": \"1575651900000\", \"pplat\": 5889, \"processSignerFlagsRuntime\": [false], \"timezone\": \"UTC+00:00\", \"osVer\": \"10.0.19045\", \"authId\": \"1494147\", \"endpointMacAddress\": [\"8f:86:c0:d8:9d:ad\"], \"osType\": \"0x00000030\", \"processFileCreation\": \"1575712305614\", \"userDomain\": [\"Windows10\"], \"sessionId\": 2, \"osName\": \"Windows\", \"objectLastSeen\": \"1732639503446\", \"parentSignerFlagsLibValid\": [false], \"parentFileCreation\": \"1728117061706\", \"parentSessionId\": 2, \"parentFileModifiedTime\": \"1728117061831\", \"parentSignerFlagsAdhoc\": [false], \"parentAuthId\": \"1494147\", \"parentSignerFlagsRuntime\": [false], \"parentFileSize\": \"5845320\", \"objectSessionId\": \"19746\", \"objectRawDataSize\": [\"2995\", \"3802\", \"50\", \"55\", \"44\", \"32\", \"169\", \"169\", \"170\", \"56\", \"107\", \"1848\", \"1719\", \"411\"]}, \"ingestedDateTime\": \"2024-11-26T16:45:25Z\", \"entityType\": \"endpoint\", \"entityName\": \"Windows10(1802:d896:65fe:0b84:742d:0615:f69b:6600,\", \"endpoint\": {\"ips\": [\"1802:d896:65fe:0b84:742d:0615:f69b:6600\", \"\"], \"agentGuid\": \"8e53268d-8348-4fd4-a314-b742448960c9\", \"endpointName\": \"Windows10\"}}",
    "event": {
        "category": [
        "end": "2024-11-26T16:45:03.446000Z",
        "start": "2024-11-26T16:45:01.774000Z",
        "type": [
    "@timestamp": "2024-11-26T16:45:01Z",
    "action": {
        "properties": {
            "ScriptBlockText": [
                "\r\n                                                  $_.PSParentPath.Replace(\"Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\\FileSystem::\", \"\")\r\n                                              ",
                "\r\n                                    [String]::Format(\"{0,10}  {1,8}\", $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\"d\"), $_.LastWriteTime.ToString(\"t\"))\r\n                                ",
                "\r\n                                    if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -ne \"NativeCommandErrorMessage\" -and $ErrorView -ne \"CategoryView\")\r\n                                    {\r\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\r\n                                        if ($myinv -and $myinv.MyCommand)\r\n                                        {\r\n                                            switch -regex ( $myinv.MyCommand.CommandType )\r\n                                            {\r\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::ExternalScript)\r\n                                                {\r\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.Path)\r\n                                                    {\r\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.Path + \" : \"\r\n                                                    }\r\n                                                    break\r\n                                                }\r\n                                                ([System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes]::Script)\r\n                                                {\r\n                                                    if ($myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock)\r\n                                                    {\r\n                                                        $myinv.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.ToString() + \" : \"\r\n                                                    }\r\n                                                    break\r\n                                                }\r\n                                                default\r\n                                                {\r\n                                                    if ($myinv.InvocationName -match '^[&\\.]?$')\r\n                                                    {\r\n                                                        if ($myinv.MyCommand.Name)\r\n                                                        {\r\n                                                            $myinv.MyCommand.Name + \" : \"\r\n                                                        }\r\n                                                    }\r\n                                                    else\r\n                                                    {\r\n                                                        $myinv.InvocationName + \" : \"\r\n                                                    }\r\n                                                    break\r\n                                                }\r\n                                            }\r\n                                        }\r\n                                        elseif ($myinv -and $myinv.InvocationName)\r\n                                        {\r\n                                            $myinv.InvocationName + \" : \"\r\n                                        }\r\n                                    }\r\n                                ",
                "\r\n                                   if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq \"NativeCommandErrorMessage\") {\r\n                                        $_.Exception.Message   \r\n                                   }\r\n                                   else\r\n                                   {\r\n                                        $myinv = $_.InvocationInfo\r\n                                        if ($myinv -and ($myinv.MyCommand -or ($_.CategoryInfo.Category -ne 'ParserError'))) {\r\n                                            $posmsg = $myinv.PositionMessage\r\n                                        } else {\r\n                                            $posmsg = \"\"\r\n                                        }\r\n                                        \r\n                                        if ($posmsg -ne \"\")\r\n                                        {\r\n                                            $posmsg = \"`n\" + $posmsg\r\n                                        }\r\n    \t\t\t\t    \r\n                                        if ( & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails } ) {\r\n                                            $posmsg = \" : \" +  $_.PSMessageDetails + $posmsg \r\n                                        }\r\n\r\n                                        $indent = 4\r\n                                        $width = $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - $indent - 2\r\n\r\n                                        $errorCategoryMsg = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }\r\n                                        if ($errorCategoryMsg -ne $null)\r\n                                        {\r\n                                            $indentString = \"+ CategoryInfo          : \" + $_.ErrorCategory_Message\r\n                                        }\r\n                                        else\r\n                                        {\r\n                                            $indentString = \"+ CategoryInfo          : \" + $_.CategoryInfo\r\n                                        }\r\n                                        $posmsg += \"`n\"\r\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \"(.{$width})\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\" \" * $indent + $line) } }\r\n\r\n                                        $indentString = \"+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : \" + $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId\r\n                                        $posmsg += \"`n\"\r\n                                        foreach($line in @($indentString -split \"(.{$width})\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\" \" * $indent + $line) } }\r\n\r\n                                        $originInfo = & { Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }\r\n                                        if (($originInfo -ne $null) -and ($originInfo.PSComputerName -ne $null))\r\n                                        {\r\n                                            $indentString = \"+ PSComputerName        : \" + $originInfo.PSComputerName\r\n                                            $posmsg += \"`n\"\r\n                                            foreach($line in @($indentString -split \"(.{$width})\")) { if($line) { $posmsg += (\" \" * $indent + $line) } }\r\n                                        }\r\n\r\n                                        if ($ErrorView -eq \"CategoryView\") {\r\n                                            $_.CategoryInfo.GetMessage()\r\n                                        }\r\n                                        elseif (! $_.ErrorDetails -or ! $_.ErrorDetails.Message) {\r\n                                            $_.Exception.Message + $posmsg + \"`n \"\r\n                                        } else {\r\n                                            $_.ErrorDetails.Message + $posmsg\r\n                                        }\r\n                                   }\r\n                                ",
                "if ($_ -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { return '' }\r\nif ($_.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Offline)\r\n{\r\n    return '({0})' -f $_.Length\r\n}\r\nreturn $_.Length",
                "{\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\n        if ($passwordFound) {\n          Write-Host \"Possible Password found: $_\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \"$_ triggered\"\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\n        }\n      }",
                "{\n    $path = $_\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \"(?i).*lang.*\") {\n      #Write-Host \"$($_.FullName) found!\" -ForegroundColor red\n    }\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \"(?i).:\\\\.*\\\\.*Pass.*\"){\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\"\n    }\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \".:\\\\.*\\\\.*user.*\" ){\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\"\n    }\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \".*\\.xls\",\".*\\.xlsm\",\".*\\.xlsx\") {\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \"user\"\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \"pass\"\n      }\n    }\n    else {\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \"Path name matches extension search: $path\"\n      }\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \"(?i).*SiteList\\.xml\") {\n        Write-Host \"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\"\n        Write-Host \"Just going to leave this here:\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\n      }\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\n        if ($passwordFound) {\n          Write-Host \"Possible Password found: $_\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \"$_ triggered\"\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\n        }\n      }\n    }  \n  }",
                "{\n    Write-Host $_.FullName\n  }",
                "{\n  $Drive = $_\n  Get-ChildItem $Drive -Recurse -Include $fileExtensions -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | ForEach-Object {\n    $path = $_\n    #Exclude files/folders with 'lang' in the name\n    if ($Path.FullName | select-string \"(?i).*lang.*\") {\n      #Write-Host \"$($_.FullName) found!\" -ForegroundColor red\n    }\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \"(?i).:\\\\.*\\\\.*Pass.*\"){\n      write-host -ForegroundColor Blue \"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'pass'\"\n    }\n    if($Path.FullName | Select-String \".:\\\\.*\\\\.*user.*\" ){\n      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \"$($path.FullName) contains the word 'user' -excluding the 'users' directory\"\n    }\n    # If path name ends with common excel extensions\n    elseif ($Path.FullName | Select-String \".*\\.xls\",\".*\\.xlsm\",\".*\\.xlsx\") {\n      if ($ReadExcel -and $Excel) {\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \"user\"\n        Search-Excel -Source $Path.FullName -SearchText \"pass\"\n      }\n    }\n    else {\n      if ($path.Length -gt 0) {\n        # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \"Path name matches extension search: $path\"\n      }\n      if ($path.FullName | Select-String \"(?i).*SiteList\\.xml\") {\n        Write-Host \"Possible MCaffee Site List Found: $($_.FullName)\"\n        Write-Host \"Just going to leave this here:\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\n      }\n      $regexSearch.keys | ForEach-Object {\n        $passwordFound = Get-Content $path.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | Select-String $regexSearch[$_] -Context 1, 1\n        if ($passwordFound) {\n          Write-Host \"Possible Password found: $_\" -ForegroundColor Yellow\n          Write-Host $Path.FullName\n          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue \"$_ triggered\"\n          Write-Host $passwordFound -ForegroundColor Red\n        }\n      }\n    }  \n  }\n}",
                "{\n  if (Test-Path $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {\n    Write-Host \"$_ Found!\" -ForegroundColor red\n  }\n}",
                "{\n  if (Test-Path $_) {\n    Write-Host \"$_ found.\"\n  }\n}",
                "{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.ErrorCategory_Message }",
                "{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.OriginInfo }",
                "{ Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $_.PSMessageDetails }"
    "agent": {
        "id": "8e53268d-8348-4fd4-a314-b742448960c9"
    "group": {
        "id": "a1c0d757-0961-40a4-8a00-bf9b2922d5de"
    "host": {
        "id": "9567d4bc-ce0b-45cf-b259-138beb4c80c3",
        "ip": [
        "name": "Windows10",
        "os": {
            "full": "Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) build 19045",
            "name": "Windows",
            "version": "10.0.19045"
    "observer": {
        "product": "Vision One",
        "vendor": "TrendMicro"
    "process": {
        "name": "powershell_ise.exe",
        "parent": {
            "command_line": "\"C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\PowerShell_ISE.exe\" ",
            "executable": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell_ise.exe",
            "hash": {
                "md5": "bd5cf4568d83088240e3b33f9f9838b1",
                "sha1": "b1692a60d67dc55538f9a25ad3874a6a8f6bb089",
                "sha256": "4388c298be8260741724ebf8b414ca063247d6a0d5d5aa5318f90edda3189cd2"
            "parent": {
                "command_line": "C:\\Windows\\Explorer.EXE",
                "executable": "C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe",
                "hash": {
                    "md5": "f8ad78f2ad64799786242d69ef77edd7",
                    "sha1": "f021ca2dca81ee77aa80467096a804a26cd11364",
                    "sha256": "f2e4604dfae18859b13a4efee601df6937e99dd96251c11205c30022b308868f"
                "name": "explorer.exe",
                "pid": "9920",
                "start": "2024-11-26T16:35:53.785000Z",
                "user": {
                    "domain": "Windows10",
                    "name": "jdoe"
            "pid": 5040,
            "start": "2024-11-26T16:37:55.967000Z",
            "user": {
                "domain": "Windows10",
                "name": "jdoe"
    "related": {
        "hash": [
        "ip": [
    "threat": {
        "tactic": {
            "id": [
        "technique": {
            "id": [
            "subtechnique": {
                "id": [

Extracted Fields

The following table lists the fields that are extracted, normalized under the ECS format, analyzed and indexed by the parser. It should be noted that infered fields are not listed.

Name Type Description
@timestamp date Date/time when the event originated. keyword keyword Unique identifier of this agent.
event.category keyword Event category. The second categorization field in the hierarchy.
event.end date event.end contains the date when the event ended or when the activity was last observed.
event.start date event.start contains the date when the event started or when the activity was first observed.
event.type keyword Event type. The third categorization field in the hierarchy. keyword Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. keyword Unique host id.
host.ip ip Host ip addresses. keyword Name of the host.
host.os.full keyword Operating system name, including the version or code name. keyword Operating system name, without the version.
host.os.version keyword Operating system version as a raw string.
observer.product keyword The product name of the observer.
observer.vendor keyword Vendor name of the observer.
process.command_line wildcard Full command line that started the process.
process.executable keyword Absolute path to the process executable.
process.hash.md5 keyword MD5 hash.
process.hash.sha1 keyword SHA1 hash.
process.hash.sha256 keyword SHA256 hash. keyword Process name.
process.parent.command_line wildcard Full command line that started the process.
process.parent.executable keyword Absolute path to the process executable.
process.parent.hash.md5 keyword MD5 hash.
process.parent.hash.sha1 keyword SHA1 hash.
process.parent.hash.sha256 keyword SHA256 hash.
process.parent.parent.command_line keyword
process.parent.parent.executable keyword
process.parent.parent.hash.md5 keyword
process.parent.parent.hash.sha1 keyword
process.parent.parent.hash.sha256 keyword keyword keyword
process.parent.parent.start datetime
process.parent.parent.user.domain keyword keyword long Process id.
process.parent.start date The time the process started.
process.parent.user.domain keyword long Process id. keyword Threat tactic id. keyword Threat technique id. keyword Threat subtechnique id.
user.domain keyword Name of the directory the user is a member of. keyword Short name or login of the user.

For more information on the Intake Format, please find the code of the Parser, Smart Descriptions, and Supported Events here.