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Event Standardization for EDR Systems

To ensure consistent recognition and semantic interpretation of EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) events, we follow the standardization guidelines bellow. We recommend users to adopt the same guidelines for their EDR custom format. The already supported EDR systems include SentinelOne, HarfangLab, CrowdStrike, Cybereason, Sophos, Stormshield, Symantec, Tehtris, TrendMicro, and WithSecure.

đŸ“‹ Required Fields

Field Description Examples of values
action.type Specifies the action taken by the EDR system. block, allow, alert
event.category The high-level category of the event. malware, intrusion, policy
event.code A unique identifier or code representing the event. 12345, 67890, ABCDE
event.kind Describes the kind of event. event, alert, metric
event.dataset Specifies the dataset used by the EDR system. sentinelone, harfanglab, crowdstrike, cybereason, sophos, stormshield, symantec, tehtris, trendmicro, withsecure
event.severity The severity level of the event. low, medium, high, critical

đŸ“‹ Required Fields depending on context

Depending on the context of the event, you should have fields related to the process, file, or host in all your parsed events.

Field Description Examples Name of the host where the event occurred. host-123 The unique identifier of the user involved in the event. user-456 The process name that triggered the event/alert. malware.exe The process ID that triggered the event/alert. 2345
process.commandline The command that launched the process. sudo deluser toto
file.hash The hash of the file related to the event. abcdef1234567890 The unique ID of the agent that detected the event. 12313-21341623 The name of the agent that detected the event. harfanglab
host.hostname The hostname that generated the event. user admin
host.os.full The OS of the host that generated the event. Windows 11 Enterprise, Ubuntu 22.04
host.domain The domain of the host that generated the event. Workgroup

Examples of event parsing

In this section, raw events extracted from real use cases are used to show the expected parsing outcome. For each example, the input will be a raw event in json format and the output will be in ECS.

HarfangLab EDR

This is a HarfangLab EDR alert that was triggered by Harfang agent in a Windows machine. The related event is the creation of a new local user by a Powershell.

Raw Event Before Parsing

      "maturity": "stable",
      "@version": "1",
      "alert_unique_id": "abff9ea2-6e76-49f6-906b-c3cf32cb04e6",
      "status": "new",
      "quarantine": 4,
      "type": "rtlogs",
      "aggregation_key": "ccccd34ff9422ae4d80654c35137b25aa5424116a73723c87590d825d71c05cf",
      "level_int": 20,
      "rule_id": "742a1f89-039d-459e-b772-50a881353a76",
      "detection_date": "2024-07-12T08:13:14.258+00:00",
      "rule_content": "title: Local User Created via PowerShell",
      "groups": [],
      "level": "low",
      "threat_key": 38,
      "tags": [
      "tenant": "448da7e0536dffb4",
      "details_powershell": {
        "PowershellCommand": "New-LocalUser -Name User9549 -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText \"Password123\" -Force)",
        "PowershellScriptPath": ""
      "threat_values": [
        "Local User Created via PowerShell"
      "threat_type": "agent_rule",
      "@event_create_date": "2024-07-12T08:13:14.258Z",
      "@timestamp": "2024-07-12T08:13:14.430Z",
      "msg": "Detects the usage of PowerShell to create a new local user.\n Attackers can create new users to achieve persistence.",
      "execution": 0,
      "mitre_cells": [
      "image_name": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
      "ingestion_date": "2024-07-12T08:13:14.430+00:00",
      "alert_time": "2024-07-12T08:13:14.430+00:00",
      "alert_subtype": "process",
      "process": {
        "current_directory": "C:\\Users\\administrateur\\",
        "parent_integrity_level": "High",
        "status": 0,
        "logonid": 1348216,
        "grandparent_image": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
        "pid": 10880,
        "fake_parent_image": "",
        "signature_info": {
          "signer_info": {
            "thumbprint": "71f53a26bb1625e466727183409a30d03d7923df",
            "thumbprint_sha256": "ce08760345bd5a18aa9091e6f083522ad593bd42f587699e025afd55be589334",
            "serial_number": "330000045ff3c96c1a7ff7da1d00000000045f",
            "issuer_name": "Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011",
            "display_name": "Microsoft Windows"
          "root_info": {
            "thumbprint": "3b1efd3a66ea28b16697394703a72ca340a05bd5",
            "thumbprint_sha256": "df545bf219a2439c36983b54cdfc903dfa4f37d3996d8d84b4c31eec6f3c163e",
            "serial_number": "28cc3a25bfba44ac449a9b586b4339aa",
            "issuer_name": "Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2010",
            "display_name": "Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2010"
          "signed_authenticode": false,
          "signed_catalog": true
        "pe_imphash": "AFACF6DC9041114B198160AAB4D0AE77",
        "grandparent_integrity_level": "High",
        "parent_unique_id": "93086cd1-8271-4941-0c11-000cb3115df3",
        "ancestors": "C:\\Program Files\\WindowsApps\\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_3.12.1264.0_x64__qbz5n2kfra8p0\\python3.12.exe|C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe|C:\\Users\\administrateur\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Microsoft VS Code\\Code.exe|C:\\Users\\administrateur\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Microsoft VS Code\\Code.exe|C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe|C:\\Windows\\System32\\userinit.exe|C:\\Windows\\System32\\winlogon.exe|C:\\Windows\\System32\\smss.exe|C:\\Windows\\System32\\smss.exe",
        "integrity_level": "High",
        "sigma_rule_content": "title: Local User Created via PowerShellw",
        "ppid": 4364,
        "process_unique_id": "93086cd1-8271-4941-802a-0039d517a425",
        "hashes": {
          "md5": "9d8e30eff21108092d5980c931876b7e",

        "session": 2,
        "log_platform_flag": 0,
        "grandparent_unique_id": "93086cd1-8271-4941-0429-0029050971a0",
        "dont_create_process": true,
        "parent_commandline": "C:\\Users\\administrateur\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps\\python3.exe .\\ --activities perform_user_management",
        "process_name": "powershell.exe",
        "username": "vm-windows\\administrateur",
        "fake_parent_commandline": "",
        "system_event_type": "powershell_event",
        "pe_timestamp_int": 144346722,
        "size": 450560,
        "grandparent_commandline": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -noexit -command try { . \"c:\\Users\\administrateur\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Microsoft VS Code\\resources\\app\\out\\vs\\workbench\\contrib\\terminal\\browser\\media\\shellIntegration.ps1\" } catch {}",
        "usersid": "S-1-5-21-3860028710-1894839758-596913598-500",
        "image_name": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
        "commandline": "powershell.exe -Command New-LocalUser -Name User9549 -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText \"Password123\" -Force)",
        "parent_image": "C:\\Program Files\\WindowsApps\\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_3.12.1264.0_x64__qbz5n2kfra8p0\\python3.12.exe",
        "fake_ppid": 0,
        "pe_timestamp": "1974-07-29T16:18:42.000Z",
        "create_time": "2024-07-12T08:13:13.221Z",
        "signed": true,
        "ioc_matches": [],
        "log_type": "process"
      "agent": {
        "version": "3.10.2",
        "hostname": "vm-windows",
        "ostype": "windows",
        "osversion": "10.0.22631",
        "distroid": null,
        "domain": null,
        "agentid": "1553619e-8271-4941-8e10-9153e99cc5dc",
        "dnsdomainname": null,
        "osproducttype": "Windows 11 Enterprise",
        "domainname": "WORKGROUP",
        "additional_info": {}
      "detection_origin": "agent",
      "rule_name": "Local User Created via PowerShell",
      "alert_type": "sigma",
      "log_type": "alert"

For example, the event characteristics are derived from the log_type and alert_subtype(process.log_type) fields in the raw message:

  • The fields event.kind and event.dataset are set to alert because the log_type in the raw event is 'alert'.
  • The field event.category is set to 'process' and event.type is set to 'start' because the process.log_type field of the raw event is identified as 'process'.

ECS Fields After Parsing

  "event": {
    "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "dataset": "alert",
    "kind": "alert",
    "type": "start",
    "category": "process"
  "agent": {
    "id": "1553619e-8271-4941-8e10-9153e99cc5dc",
    "name": "harfanglab"
  "@timestamp": "2024-07-12T08:13:14.258000Z",
  "host": {
    "domain": "WORKGROUP",
    "os": {
      "full": "Windows 11 Enterprise",
      "version": "10.0.22631"
    "hostname": "vm-windows",
    "name": "vm-windows"
  "log": {
    "hostname": "vm-windows"
  "organization": {
    "id": "448da7f0536dffb4"
  "harfanglab": {
    "groups": [],
    "process": {
      "powershell": {
        "command": "New-LocalUser -Name User9549 -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText \"Password123\" -Force)"
    "level": "low",
    "status": "new",
    "execution": 0,
    "alert_time": "2024-07-12T08:13:14.430+00:00",
    "alert_subtype": "process"
  "rule": {
    "id": "742a1f89-039d-459e-b772-50a881353a76",
    "name": "Local User Created via PowerShell",
    "category": "sigma",
    "description": "Detects the usage of PowerShell to create a new local user. Attackers can create new users to achieve persistence."
  "user": {
    "name": "vm-windows\\administrateur"
  "process": {
    "pid": 10880,
    "name": "powershell.exe",
    "executable": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
    "command_line": "powershell.exe -Command New-LocalUser -Name User9549 -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText \"Password123\" -Force)",
    "working_directory": "C:\\Users\\administrateur\\"
  "file": {
    "hash": {
      "md5": "9d8e30daf21108092d5980c931876b7e"
  "hosts": [
  "user": [

Crowdstrike Falcon

Let’s take a look to another EDR example and see how the different ECS fields extracted from the raw event.

Raw Event Before Parsing

        "metadata": {
            "customerIDString": "d1f2145b3a034de8ab4183caf2f04fc1",
            "offset": 29314494,
            "eventType": "DetectionSummaryEvent",
            "eventCreationTime": 1719928251000,
            "version": "1.0"
        "event": {
            "ProcessStartTime": 1719928251,
            "ProcessEndTime": 1719928286,
            "ProcessId": 1719928251086056200,
            "ParentProcessId": 1719928251069954800,
            "ComputerName": "linux-vm",
            "UserName": "root",
            "DetectName": "Known Malware",
            "DetectDescription": "A suspicious process related to a likely malicious file was launched. Review any binaries 
    involved as they may be related to malware.",
            "Severity": 4,
            "SeverityName": "High",
            "FileName": "git",
            "FilePath": "/usr/bin/",
            "CommandLine": "git clone",
            "SHA256String": "29aa689f38158d2e8941fa54e436f0260890af31cecad1e8799e5c2df7bc1ecc",
            "MD5String": "675853ca01ec441df7a015b91a7e1272",
            "SHA1String": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
            "MachineDomain": "",

            "SensorId": "59ad3c811b3c42aeb70af4f6b547830f",
            "DetectId": "ldt:59ad3c811b3c42aeb70af4f6b547830f:266290477136",
            "LocalIP": "",
            "MACAddress": "02-42-a1-71-d8-a9",
            "Tactic": "Malware",
            "Technique": "Malicious File",
            "Objective": "Falcon Detection Method",
            "PatternDispositionDescription": "Detection, process would have been killed if related prevention policy setting
     was enabled.",
            "PatternDispositionValue": 272,
            "PatternDispositionFlags": {
                "Indicator": false,
                "Detect": false,
                "InddetMask": false,
                "SensorOnly": false,
                "Rooting": false,
                "KillProcess": true,
                "KillSubProcess": false,
                "QuarantineMachine": false,
                "QuarantineFile": false,
                "PolicyDisabled": true,
                "KillParent": false,
                "OperationBlocked": false,
                "ProcessBlocked": false,
                "RegistryOperationBlocked": false,
                "CriticalProcessDisabled": false,
                "BootupSafeguardEnabled": false,
                "FsOperationBlocked": false,
                "HandleOperationDowngraded": false,
                "KillActionFailed": false,
                "BlockingUnsupportedOrDisabled": false,
                "SuspendProcess": false,
                "SuspendParent": false
            "ParentImageFileName": "/usr/bin/sudo",
            "ParentCommandLine": "sudo git clone",
            "GrandparentImageFileName": "/usr/bin/bash",
            "GrandparentCommandLine": "-bash",
            "HostGroups": "47286f6e248a444c9a5445adf3d2cbd4",
            "PatternId": 30115

In this example the fields event.kind , event.type and event.category are correctly parsed respectively to 'alert', 'info' and 'category' because metadata.eventTypeis 'DetectionSummaryEvent'

The result after parsing is as follows :

ECS Fields After parsing

      "event": {
        "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        "kind": "alert",
        "type": "info",
        "category": "intrusion_detection",
        "severity": 4
      "sekoiaio": {
        "intake": {
          "dialect": "test",
          "dialect_uuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
          "parsing_status": "success"
      "@timestamp": "2024-07-02T13:50:51Z",
      "crowdstrike": {
        "event_type": "DetectionSummaryEvent",
        "detect_id": "ldt:59ad3c811b3c42aeb70af4f6b547830f:266290477136",
        "host_groups": "47286f6e248a444c9a5445adf3d2cbd4",
        "severity_name": "High",
        "detect_description": "A suspicious process related to a likely malicious file was launched. Review any binaries involved as they may be related to malware."
      "host": {
        "ip": "",
        "mac": "02-42-a1-71-d8-a9",
        "name": "linux-vm"
      "user": {
        "name": "root"
      "process": {
        "pid": 1719928251086056200,
        "name": "git",
        "parent": {
          "pid": 1719928251069954800,
          "name": "sudo",
          "executable": "/usr/bin/sudo",
          "command_line": "sudo git clone",
          "working_directory": "/usr/bin"
        "command_line": "git clone",
        "working_directory": "/usr/bin/",
        "start": "2024-07-02T13:50:51Z",
        "end": "2024-07-02T13:51:26Z"
      "log": {
        "hostname": "linux-vm"
      "file": {
        "hash": {
          "md5": "675853ca01ec441df7a015b91a7e1272",
          "sha256": "29aa689f38158d2e8941fa54e436f0260890af31cecad1e8799e5c2df7bc1ecc"
      "threat": {
        "tactic": {
          "name": "Malware"
        "technique": {
          "name": "Malicious File"
        "indicator": {
          "description": "Detection, process would have been killed if related prevention policy setting was enabled."
      "related": {
        "hash": [
        "ip": [
        "user": [


Following these standards ensures that the EDR event data is consistent and can be easily interpreted and analyzed across different systems. This standardization helps in providing a unified view of security events and enhances the capability to respond to incidents efficiently.