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Event Standardization for Network Events

To ensure consistent recognition and semantic interpretation of network events, we follow the standardization guidelines bellow. We recommend users to adopt the same guidelines for their "network custom format". The supported network services include Vade, Varonis, Trellix, Proofpoint, Netskope, Gatewatcher, FortiGate, Darktrace, and Cisco.

📋 Required Fields

Field Description Examples
event.action Describes what the event represents or what action was taken. allow, deny, connection, disconnection, alert
event.kind Describes the kind of event. event, alert, metric, state
event.category The high-level category of the event. network, intrusion_detection, firewall

🛠️ Additional Fields

To provide more context and enhance the description of the events, the inclusion of additional fields is encouraged. The following additional fields can be used:

Field Description Examples
source.ip The IP address of the source of the event.
source.port The source port involved in the event. 443
destination.ip The IP address of the destination of the event.
destination.port The destination port involved in the event. 80
url.domain The domain of the URL involved in the event.
destination.domain The domain of the destination involved in the event. The name of the DNS question.
http.request.method The HTTP request method used. GET
http.response.status_code The HTTP response status code. 200
http.response.bytes The size of the HTTP response in bytes. 1024
network.transport The network transport protocol used. TCP, UDP
event.severity Qualification of the severity of an alert. low, medium, high, very high
event.dataset It helps identify the type of logs or data stream the event belongs to. ips-event, firewall.traffic,dns_response

Examples of event parsing

In this section, we will see how the raw messages are transformed into the ECS format for several examples of network security tools.

Fortinate Fortigate

The following example is a DNS respone event generated by Fortigate Firewall. This event log indicates that a DNS response was processed by the FortiGate firewall. The DNS query was for the domain '', which is typically used by Firefox for detecting captive portals. The query originated from the user "bob" with a source IP address of '', and it was targeting '' on port '53' (DNS).

Raw Event Before Parsing

CEF:0|Fortinet|Fortigate|v6.0.3|54802|dns:dns-response pass|3|deviceExternalId=FGT5HD3915800610 FTNTFGTlogid=1501054802 cat=dns:dns-response FTNTFGTsubtype=dns-response FTNTFGTlevel=notice FTNTFGTvd=vdom1 FTNTFGTeventtime=1545950726 FTNTFGTpolicyid=1 externalId=13355 duser=bob src= spt=54621 deviceInboundInterface=port12 FTNTFGTsrcintfrole=lan dst= dpt=53 deviceOutboundInterface=port11 FTNTFGTdstintfrole=wan proto=17 FTNTFGTprofile=default FTNTFGTsrcmac=a2:e9:00:ec:40:01 FTNTFGTxid=5137 FTNTFGTqtype=A FTNTFGTqtypeval=1 FTNTFGTqclass=IN FTNTFGTipaddr=, msg=Domain is monitored act=pass FTNTFGTcat=52 FTNTFGTcatdesc=Information Technology
  • For instance, the event.category is derived from the key of the name field in the CEF raw event, which is set to 'dns:dns-response pass'.
  • Similarly, the event.action is directly extracted from the act field, which is 'pass'.

ECS Fields After Parsing

 "event": {
        "action": "pass",
        "category": "dns",
        "code": "1501054802",
        "dataset": "dns:dns-response",
        "outcome": "success",
        "reason": "Domain is monitored"
    "@timestamp": "2018-12-27T22:45:26Z",
    "action": {
        "name": "pass",
        "outcome": "success",
        "outcome_reason": "Domain is monitored",
        "target": "network-traffic",
        "type": "dns-response"
    "destination": {
        "address": "",
        "ip": "",
        "port": 53,
        "user": {
            "name": "bob"
    "log": {
        "level": "notice"
    "network": {
        "transport": "udp"
    "observer": {
        "egress": {
            "interface": {
                "name": "port11"
        "ingress": {
            "interface": {
                "name": "port12"
        "type": "Fortigate",
        "vendor": "Fortinet",
        "version": "v6.0.3"
    "related": {
        "ip": [
        "user": [
    "source": {
        "address": "",
        "ip": "",
        "port": 54621

Trellix Network Security

The following example is a Trellix log detailing a high-severity IPS event (level 7). It identifies traffic from source IP '' on port '80' to destination IP '' on port '1109' as an Exploit Kit Landing Page. The system alerted stakeholders of this potential threat. The detection, associated with signature ID '85305161', was recorded on device, with further details available via a provided URL. The source and destination MAC addresses were '6c:af:1a:fb:fe:a7' and '00:78:db:db:96:f6', respectively, and the event was categorized as a client attack.

Raw Event Before Parsing

CEF:0|Trellix|MPS||IE|ips-event|7|externalId=3463232 rt=Sep 05 2023 16:46:51 UTC proto=tcp src= spt=80 smac=6c:af:1a:fb:fe:a7 dst= dpt=1109 dmac=00:78:db:db:96:f6 cnt=1 cs1Label=sname cs1=Exploit Kit Landing Page act=notified dvc= dvcmac=e3:e9:d0:5e:ba:8e cn2=85305161 cn2Label=sid cfp1=12 cfp1Label=signature revision cs4=\\=6682a2ba-bf3e-4c12-b7a1-822d648132fd cs4Label=link flexString2=client flexString2Label=attack mode msg=MVX Correlation Status:N/A cn1=0 cn1Label=vlan
  • event.action is mapped directly from the CEF act field which is set to 'notified'.
  • event.categoryis less intuitive in this example. However, if we check the expert descriptions of the parser, we can see that the default value event.category is set to 'intrusion_detection' and it takes another value only and only if message.nameof our raw event matches 'domain-match', 'malware-object' or 'riskware-object'.

ECS Fields After Parsing

"event": {
        "action": "notified",
        "category": [
        "dataset": "ips-event",
        "reason": "MVX Correlation Status:N/A",
        "severity": 7,
        "type": [
        "url": "\\=6682a2ba-bf3e-4c12-b7a1-822d648132fd"
    "@timestamp": "2023-09-05T16:46:51Z",
    "destination": {
        "address": "",
        "ip": "",
        "mac": "00:78:db:db:96:f6",
        "port": 1109
    "network": {
        "transport": "tcp"
    "observer": {
        "hostname": "",
        "ip": [
        "mac": [
        "product": "MPS",
        "vendor": "Trellix",
        "version": ""
    "related": {
        "hosts": [
        "ip": [
    "source": {
        "address": "",
        "ip": "",
        "mac": "6c:af:1a:fb:fe:a7",
        "port": 80
    "trellix": {
        "nx": {
            "sname": "Exploit Kit Landing Page"


Following these standards ensures that the EDR event data is consistent and can be easily interpreted and analyzed across different systems. This standardization helps in providing a unified view of security events and enhances the capability to respond to incidents efficiently.