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If you are using Graylog as a log collector, you can configure it to push your logs to This operation is done by using the “HttpOutput Plugin for Graylog”.


  • Access to
  • Intake key(s) created
  • Priviledge account on the Graylog server

Installation procedure

  1. Download the JAR file here.
  2. Copy the JAR file in your Graylog plugin directory.
  3. Restart graylog-server and you are done.

If you want to generate yourself the JAR file :

  1. Clone this repository “HttpOutput Plugin for Graylog
  2. Run mvn package to build a JAR file.
  3. Copy generated JAR file in target directory to your Graylog plugin directory.
  4. Restart graylog-server and you are done.

The plugin directory is the plugins/ folder relative from your graylog-server directory by default and can be configured in your graylog.conf file.

Configuration of the log forwarding

Create a Stream for each Intake

For each of your Intake, you need to create a dedicated Stream.

  1. Click on Streams
  2. Create Stream
  3. Give a title and a description for your stream, for instance : "Apache logs"

Rule and Pipeline creation

Create a rule

To route your logs to the stream you created, your need to create a Rule and a Pipeline.

  1. Go to System/Pipelines
  2. Click on Manage Rules, then Create Rule

Identify the source of logs to be routed to your stream

rule "route traffic to apache stream"
    has_field("source") AND
    to_string($message.source) == "<Hostname_Or_IP_Of_Your_Apache_Server>"
    route_to_stream("Apache logs");

$message.source corresponds to the value of the field Source of your events you want to catch. You can find this value by looking an event you want in the All messages Stream and look at the source field.

Create a pipeline

Now that you have one or more rules, you need to create a pipeline to apply them to your logs.

  1. Go to System/Pipelines
  2. Click on Manage pipelines > Add new pipeline and give it a name and a description
  3. Click on Edit connections and select your logs input (by default All messages)
  4. Click on Add new stage
    • Select At least one of the rules on this stage matches the message
    • Select your rule(s)
    • Click on Save

Your logs should now appear in your dedicated Stream.

Create a HTTP output for your events.

Now that you have your logs in your stream, you need to configure an Output to send your events to

  1. Go to Streams
  2. Identify your stream and click on More Actions > Manage Outputs
  3. Declare the output mode associated to the stream with the type com.plugin.HttpOutput with the unique parameter and your intake key.
