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Set up your account

Once your account is created, you will be directed to the Settings page. Here, you can personalize your account settings, enhance security, and manage your preferences.

Account setup options

  • Edit personal information: Change your profile picture by clicking on it and selecting a new picture from your files
  • Add layers of security: Enable additional security features such as two-factor authentication and security tokens to protect your account
  • Notification preferences: Set up your notification preferences to stay informed about important updates and activities

For more detailed guidance on navigating the platform and using its features, refer to the Where to Start section.

Change theme of the application

To change the theme of your workspace, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. On the top of the menu, click on Theme
  3. Select either Light theme or Dark theme

The change takes effect immediately and will be saved. Please note that this customization applies only to your account and does not affect the theme settings for other workspace members.