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An action helps to execute specific tasks (see definition). It composes one of the three items of a playbook.

In a module, each action consists of 2 elements:

  • A manifest file in the root directory of the module. The manifest of an action is prefixed with the string action_. This document contains:

    • The unique identifier of the action (field uuid)
    • The name of the action (field name)
    • A short description about that the action (field description)
    • The unique command name of the action (field docker_parameter)
    • A description of the arguments of the action (field arguments). This description is a JSON schema model
    • A description of the output of the action (field results). This description is a JSON schema model and may be empty if the action returns no data.
  • A python code

Python code

An action is a class based on Action from sekoia-automation-sdk.

This class must implement the class properties name and description.

It also must implement the method run that accepts the arguments and may returns a result. The arguments and the result must be declared as a pydantic model, holding the same properties declared in the JSON schema model for the arguments and the result in the manifest.


To expose an action of the module, the action must be declared in at the root of the module.

Import the class in and register the class, against the module, with the unique command name of the action as second argument.