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Glimps offers a DeepLearning solution to detect, analyze and classify malwares. It enables faster responses during incidents with a detailed understanding of the threat


Name Type Description
api_key string Glimps detect token
base_url string Glimps detect url


[TEST] Analyse a file

Submit file to Glimps Detect to be analysed


{'title': 'Description', 'description': 'Description added to the analysis', 'type': 'string'}


Name Type Description
file_name string Name of submitted file
bypass_cache boolean If true, file is analyzed, even if a result already exists
user_tags array Analysis will be tagged with those tags
description string Description added to the analysis
archive_pwd string Password used to extract archive
push_timeout number Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a response when submitting file


Name Type Description
status boolean False means that an error occured
uuid string UUID of the submitted analysis

[TEST] Analyse a file and wait for result

Submit file to Glimps Detect to be analysed and wait for its results


{'title': 'Description', 'description': 'Description added to the analysis', 'type': 'string'}


Name Type Description
file_name string Name of submitted file
bypass_cache boolean If true, file is analyzed, even if a result already exists
user_tags array Analysis will be tagged with those tags
description string Description added to the analysis
archive_pwd string Password used to extract archive
push_timeout number Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a response when submitting file
pull_time number Time to wait (in seconds) between each requests to get a result
timeout number Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for the analysis to end


Name Type Description
analysis `` Analysis response details
view_url string Analysis URL

[TEST] Export analysis result

Export analysis result with the requested layout and format


Name Type Description
uuid string Unique analysis identifier
format string Export format
layout string Export layout
is_full string Export full analysis or summarized

[TEST] Get profile status

Get Glimps detect profile status, it includes quotas, eastimated analysis duration and cache


Name Type Description
daily_quota integer Number of submissions authorized for the profile within 24h
available_daily_quota integer Number of submissions still available within 24h. It's a sliding window, so a new slot will be released 24h after each submission
cache boolean If True, the profile is configured to use cached result by default
estimated_analysis_duration integer Estimation of the duration for the next submissions in milliseconds. It's based on the average time of submissions and the submission queue state. The real duration could differ from the estimation

[TEST] Retrieve analysis

Retrieve the analysis matching the given uuid


Name Type Description
uuid string UUID of the analysis


Name Type Description
analysis `` Analysis response details
view_url string Analysis URL

[Deprecated] Get the results of an analysis


Name Type Description
uuid string Unique analysis identifier


Name Type Description
done boolean is the analysis finished
duration integer duration of the analysis in milliseconds
error string error message if Status is false
errors object error message by services
file_count integer amount of file in the submission (input + extracted)
filenames array list of analysed filename
files array array of submission files (input file and extracted sub-files)
filetype string
is_malware boolean analysis result, is a malware or not
malwares array list of malware names found in analysis
md5 string string hex encoded input file MD5
score integer highest score given by probes
sha1 string string hex encoded input file SHA1
sha256 string string hex encoded input file SHA256
sid string analysis UUID handled by GLIMPS malware finder - expert
could be used to construct expert link like:${SID}
size integer input file size (in bytes)
ssdeep string string input file SSDeep
status boolean true => no error to report,
false => an error occurred
timestamp integer timestamp of the start of analysis in milliseconds
token string token that can be used to view analysis result in expert view
uuid string Unique analysis identifier

[Deprecated] Search previous analysis


Name Type Description
sha256 string string hex encoded input file SHA256


Name Type Description
done boolean is the analysis finished
duration integer duration of the analysis in milliseconds
error string error message if Status is false
errors object error message by services
file_count integer amount of file in the submission (input + extracted)
filenames array list of analysed filename
files array array of submission files (input file and extracted sub-files)
filetype string
is_malware boolean analysis result, is a malware or not
malwares array list of malware names found in analysis
md5 string string hex encoded input file MD5
score integer highest score given by probes
sha1 string string hex encoded input file SHA1
sha256 string string hex encoded input file SHA256
sid string analysis UUID handled by GLIMPS malware finder - expert
could be used to construct expert link like:${SID}
size integer input file size (in bytes)
ssdeep string string input file SSDeep
status boolean true => no error to report,
false => an error occurred
timestamp integer timestamp of the start of analysis in milliseconds
token string token that can be used to view analysis result in expert view
uuid string Unique analysis identifier

Search analysis

Search an analysis for a given sha256 input file


Name Type Description
sha256 string SHA256 of file to search


Name Type Description
analysis `` Analysis response details
view_url string Analysis URL

[Deprecated] Analyse a file


Name Type Description
bypass-cache boolean ask the API to bypass cache and always submit the file to the orchestrator (optional)
file string The file to scan


Name Type Description
error string string describing error
status boolean false => an error occurred
uuid string Unique analysis identifier


Module GLIMPS v1.14.2