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External Integrations: Cortex Analyzer is providing a Cortex analyzer to enrich data in TheHive ecosystem.


Collect CTI feed in an existing Cortex instance self-managed, for any operational purpose such as CTI aggregation, dissemination, hunting...


  • An operational Cortex instance with administrator privileges
  • An active licence with access to the CTI
  • An API key with the permission "View intelligence"

1. Connect to Cortex


Cortex instance must be activated on your server

  1. In a Web browser, type the following http://server_ip:cortex_port

  2. Enter your login and password of your Cortex instance setup beforehand with orgadmin role

2. Configuration

1. Setup the Analyzer configuration


The setup of Analyzers in Cortex will allow to be used in Cortex and in theHive

  1. Select your Organization on the top right corner Orga_setup_1

  2. Go to Analyzers Config tab and Search SekoiaIntelligenceCenter Orga_setup_2

  3. Edit and Add your Sekoia API key and Base url Orga_setup_3


If your Sekoia community is hosted on FRA1 region, leave the "Base url" field empty.

2. Enable and Setup the Analyzer

The configuration setup in the previous section will provide 3 Analyzers to enable and setup:

  • SEKOIAIntelligenceCenter_Indicators_1_0
  • SEKOIAIntelligenceCenter_Context_1_0
  • SEKOIAIntelligenceCenter_Observables_1_0

Here is below one example of setup to be done for the 3 analyzers:

  1. Go to Analyzers tab and Search SekoiaIntelligenceCenter Analyzer_ config_1

  2. Edit and Add your Sekoia API key and Base url Analyzer_ config_2

3. Sekoia intelligence in Cortex

In the following section, you will find information on how Sekoia intelligence is available in Cortex

Summary of the information

Artefact Analyzers in Cortex in
Indicator SEKOIAIntelligenceCenter_Indicators_1_0 indicators Details of an indicator also called IOC (Indicator of Compromission) such as Dates, Confidence level, Indicator types, Kill chain, Pattern. The indicator is found under objects tab of Intelligence page
Context SEKOIAIntelligenceCenter_Context_1_0 context of an indicator Side details in an indicator (Related threats, Linked Observables, Latest reports, Indicator types, Kill chain)
Observable SEKOIAIntelligenceCenter_Observables_1_0 known observables Observable under observables tab of Intelligence page

4. Steps to retrieve and search Sekoia intelligence

Search existing Sekoia intelligence in Cortex

  1. Select Data Types, Job Type and Analyzers
  2. Type your indicator or observable in the Observable search bar (here is an example with Google)


Verify a Sekoia feed artefact in Cortex

Here is an example on how to verify if a Sekoia Indicator exist in Cortex and import its content for verification (same process for Context and Observable)


  • IOC (associated threat) is found on Indicator
  • Details of an Indicator (IOC) is found on Indicator
  • Observables is found on Observable
  1. Go to connector Analyzers > SEKOIAIntelligenceCenter_Indicators and click on button Run (button play symbol in the right side)


  1. Fill the information with the indicator TheHive_Sekoia_connector2a

  2. Check the indicator in Jobs History TheHive_Sekoia_job

  3. Check the Sekoia indicator TheHive_Sekoia_feed1

  4. Check the Indicator in Sekoia Intelligence page TheHive_Sekoia_objects

5. Troubleshoot

  1. Make a verification on the artefact, follow steps of Verify a Sekoia feed artefact in Cortex (see previous section)

  2. Check the jobs in Jobs History tab to see if the observable or the indicator have been retrieved AND

  3. Compare this artefact in Sekoia Intelligence Center under the Intelligence page

6. Other resources

  • The Cortex official documentation