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Sophos Module


Name Type Description
oauth2_authorization_url string OAuth2 authorization URL
api_host string API Url of the Sophos Central API (e.g. 'https://api-{dataRegion}')
client_id string OAuth2 client identifier
client_secret string OAuth2 client secret


Get Sophos events

Forward Sophos Events


Name Type Description
frequency integer Batch frequency in seconds
chunk_size integer The max size of chunks for the batch processing
intake_server string Server of the intake server (e.g. '')
intake_key string Intake key to use when sending events
exclude_types array A list of type to exclude from the pulling

Query IoC from data lake [BETA]

Query last IoCs from the Sophos Data lake


Name Type Description
frequency integer Batch frequency in seconds
chunk_size integer The max size of chunks for the batch processing
intake_server string Server of the intake server (e.g. '')
intake_key string Intake key to use when sending events


Module Sophos v1.11.7